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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. Yeah unforunately I say we got about 20 more years of it before all the boomers die off and the cable subs just get bundled into something else.
  2. I would usually pass out through movie number 2 or 3 when I used to drink. Movies are a lot easier.
  3. True. By the time I even k new what it was it was already so far gone that I did not even really try to get into it too much. Too overwhelming.
  4. Anyone else here watch Jim Sterling? I like his videos a lot. Anywya this is his annual top 10 shittiest games list for 2020.
  5. Mortir


  6. Mortir


  7. Mortir


    I did not realize until the other day that the jealous boyfriend is played by Billy Zane. I guess seeing him with hair was throwing me off.
  8. I mean I only know because it was prominently featured on the "trending" page I do not want you to get any weird ideas.
  9. I think so yes. I do not know I do not subscribe to her.
  10. No it is not really that enticing gotta say.
  11. Wihtin the last few days I believe yes.
  12. I usually forget that these shows even still exisr unless I am like visiting a relative and they are watching Survivor or something and I am just like "That show is still going?!"
  13. To the poop hole? I thought the idea of long johns was you can stay warm while you run out to the outhouse to drop the plop.
  14. She is an entreprenaur some people claim.
  15. Is that James Franco or Justin Bieber? This has been bothering me the longer I look at this.
  16. Is shorty fire burning on the dance floor again?
  17. Azalea? I hear she is fancy.
  18. Yeah not a good setup and lacking atmoshpere.
  19. Well if I think it is funny then there is a 98% chance that it is I have a pretty good eye for htat and judge of character. Oh but I like do not go out of my way to find memes that is kind of unnatural and sad imho it has to be by happenstance.
  20. Maybe I am not sure I think this was recent but I do not keep up with such sordid afairs.
  21. Eh. Not the best I seen. Probably a little more satisfying than most "celebrity" porns.
  22. Namek also does not have an orbit because it is supposedly held in place by three suns how it produces gravity and not get torn apart is beyond me. Maybe that is why Goku was so strong after all the gravity training there basically is none on Namek.
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