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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. it was but nonetheless it implied things about Reiner we now know....aren't a thing
  2. 1. He and Ymir have a conversation about it early on, with him making a comment about her lesbianism and her saying he's gay too 2. later on he expresses having a crush on Historia,
  3. remember when they implied Reiner was gay for no reason since he apparently isn't and never was and nobody knows why they did that? >_>
  4. neither show nor the Manga has yet confimed why so many of the Angels were happy their universes got destroyed
  5. I mean I don't either but my excuse is a mix of being drunk and also....not being entertained at all because this show is awful
  6. ....I mean I'm also going to watch AOT, SAO(begrudgingly) and Fireforce(which is growing on me TBH)
  7. probably not gonna say much during this show because, I hate it, I've seen it, and I'm basically just here for AssClass and to see what SSSS gridman is all 'bout
  8. As with the FireForce thread, I made no art this week, so here's some greatest hits
  9. I didn't prepare new art for this week because I had to do art for a Client...so here's some greatest hits instead
  10. why does that Robot have titties?............also what the actual FUCK is happening
  11. ...open Secret....I don't like Attack on Titan that much.....I don't hate it....but I'd choose other shows first
  12. I don't totally like this show.......but I would **EEGH** Shinra so hard he'd be unable to walk for a month >_>.....I don't know what it is about him I find hot but I'm increasingly finding him hot
  13. so is this a "japan is the center of the world" series, because the entire population of every other continent is infernal now?
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