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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. also I feel like "DAM" should have been "MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA""
  2. IMO it's not real manservice unless the guys have nipples of their butts are visible but I'll accept it
  3. is Shinra sure he should be listening to ominous voices in his head considering what happened several episodes ago?.....and that we've softly been confirmed that the tabernacles may also be doomsday weapons?
  4. .......................is Juggernaught actually 2 kids in a trench coat?
  5. Ultimate Pi Day was March 14th 2015 because that day was 3.1415
  6. I have Naughty art of Meliodas I could also share y'know
  7. ....I mean you aren't wrong this show looks and sounds very nice.........it's just terrible aside from that
  8. Y'know for how much Reki dislikes Americans he sure wrote a Story that implies he watched a lot of Bad 1980's American Action comedies >_>
  9. again.......stop calling this thing "Nii-E-mon" You name it 2emon, call it 2emon, pronouced Lemon
  10. .........part of me wants to make a pointedly terrible webcomic parodying bad shows Toonami has aired but make it gay XD
  11. and when I say politely...I mean takes the form of the Eva and bites him in half
  12. this is just an overdone version of the scene in Eva were Yui politely tells Gendo to go fuck himself in hell for torturing their son and wiping out all human life for no fucking reason
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