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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. that just further confirms Reki has never fucked.....that's like that woman on Maury who said she was afraid of the SOUND cotton makes.... Cotton and Semen don't make sounds
  2. wait didn't that guy with the glasses try to kill him a few eps ago? o_O
  3. again....Bitch, you're gonna be in there for like a week...you'll just FEEL like it's been 2000 years because of how time works in computers...and you won't remember any of this when you wake up
  4. if it is Eren then I feel like Bryce could have at least TRIED to do a different voice
  5. it was....but I still love how "renaissance painting" the Ocarina/Majora/Twilight Trilogy looked
  6. I preffered WIT's designs because they reminded me of Yusuke Nakano's Legend of Zelda Art which IMO should have been the Zelda Franchise's permanent art style rather than them using it for 3 games then deciding they should use "Wackier" more Mario like art for all the future games
  7. it's become a general opinion that just "being closer to the manga" is better than being a good adaption but personally....90's Sailor Moon is a gift and Crystal is *literal shit* so that is absolutely not always true
  8. I mean the Nazis Marlians really just want them all to die so I don't think they cared
  9. the art is also much uglier.....but that's becase it's closer to the manga.....and the manga is really ugly
  10. Snow white: this terrifying witch demanding I eat an apple in a creepy predatory seeming way can't possibly be evil UwU
  11. ....I'd wager something to do with Japan's involvement in WW2....but I can't be sure
  12. I forgot that Fox's name was Majora
  13. no but I have comcast and my personal TV box is defective and the sound randomly desyncs with the visuals slowly overtime so I always have to restart my box before Toonami
  14. I haven't, I don't have Disney+ and I don't want it
  15. Vegeta: the one who gets the super dragonballs will be the great Vegeta me: bitch shut up you're the new Yamcha and that's apparently all you're ever gonna be in super
  16. I actually have some new DBZ art because a customer bought some MPREG Krillin art
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