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Everything posted by Poofy

  1. $8k can buy u a whole house in my town and then if theres an empty lot next to it thats in the city's land bank, theyll just give you the empty lot for free as long as you promise to mow the grass and keep it clean
  2. the kids alright. He actually had the balls to admit to his loss on fintwit
  3. im sure it won't have an effect on the alpha uprising
  4. in the car and he even has a can it's so perfect I can't believe it
  5. old age which was often enough to get you accused and burned at the stake in medieval europe
  6. That's for-profit healthcare for ya
  7. https://archive.is/20230110055358/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/09/science/artificial-intelligence-proteins.html add it to the file under "origins"
  8. u better not mean this shit we find these offensive
  9. the algorithms make them worse and worse somehow or if the thing you're trying to look up happens to also be the name of some popular series, movie, or song, you're fucked
  10. you're welcome
  11. way better looking than any of my domestic stubs. Some of them the ink has even decomposed and it's pretty much a blank paper square
  12. well i wasn't
  13. i know im all about flavor i prefer four loko
  14. at least this is what i use them for. they don't just return different goblin pics. They also have specific strengths and weaknesses Google - Memes and Maps Bing - Porn Yandex - Reverse image searches duckduckgo - everything else
  15. stop misgendering me dad thanks for the white claw tho
  16. It’s amazing the helmet was enough. Just imagining all these physics is terrifying
  17. think it was me or someone else who made him delete?
  18. So nobody is allowed to exercise free speech in response to your free speech?
  19. well i just used his propaganda comments to post my crazy parapolitico rants
  20. Look at this cringe hold the line shit they’re trying to trend on twitter
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