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Everything posted by Panic_at_the_Sisko

  1. As I was making that comment I knew I was inviting every lard-ass downstate gomer into my replies and yet, and yet, it still manages to annoy.
  2. This is true of everything south of I-80 really. Kentucky is perfectly welcome to it, too.
  3. Trick question. The stupid part is drinking Lipton.
  4. You shouldn't have changed styles midstream.
  5. They derived a bunch of hentai from it so it served its purpose.
  6. This is why you keep peanut butter and a senile dog in the bathroom so you don't have to concern yourself with these questions.
  7. Pig is clearly in the eye of the beholder.
  8. Little pigs little pigs let me come in.
  9. Some anyones are more one than others.
  10. It can't benefit anyone if it can't be referenced.
  11. Fine work in what way?
  12. I would have said George RR Martin but it's a lot longer than 20 years.
  13. I am not stirring any pot. Children are a sensitive subject, ya know. They can't defend themselves.
  14. I dunno, some things can't be forgotten easily.
  15. It's like if Dory only forgot all the little people she stepped on along the way.
  16. I don't think you should place all the blame in your lap. It's reasonable for a guy to protect his small children, ya know?
  17. I mean I've heard some stuff, but who knows, maybe my information is not up to date. I'm not trying to pry or anything.
  18. I don't know pal, that's a lot to put behind you. Attacking kids and all. The most helpless people among us. You're a bigger man than me.
  19. I don't know who that is. Didn't you get a fight with poof in which certain things were said about your kids?
  20. You look like you owed nacho varga money.
  21. Refresh my memory, what was your alt? I want to say your disco's husband.
  22. I always like black widows because of the, you know.
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