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Everything posted by Nytlyt

  1. Whoa, whoa, whoa... Are you telling me you don't believe in intelligent design? Bruv... Smh
  2. And sometimes olives. But apparently ya'll a bunch of olive-racists.
  3. How ya'll gonna hate on pasta salad so much? Esp Greek. Greek salads are the best. I mean it's pretty much just deconstructed pico de gallo w/ feta cheese.
  4. This is kinda what it looked like; didn't have the swirly noodles like most Greek pasta salad. So good tho.
  5. You'll cowards don't even care about proper neck and back support while sleeping.
  6. I haven't seen any olives yet. Some green ones would be pretty good in this dish tho.
  7. But it's got feta cheese bro. And little grape tomatoes. Some onions and cukes. Mmm.
  8. I picked it up at the store. Might go buy another couple more 4 ozs. I like how the salad bar is all pre-packaged for you these days.
  9. Southern White Castle
  10. Terry Crews was in the Ridiculous 6. He will do anything for that sweet, sweet paycheck. Just saying.
  11. That just leads me down a very boring rabbit hole. On Incognito mode, anyway. No way I'd see where that shit takes me on the main channel.
  12. He ws the guy w/ thge blue bull rite?
  13. Like... songs about FNAF? Like someone wrote songs about FNAF?
  14. It showed up in my Latest YouTube Posts section, and I thought "Wait... I'm not subscribed to that." And I'm not. But I've watched like four of their videos apparently. Must be some algorithm manipulation happening and this got picked up in Autoplay because I have no idea what this is even supposed to be. FNAF song remixes?
  15. Adderall.
  16. I just noticed a dead pixel on my new screen... Great, can't ever unsee it.
  17. Did you see that chick on Tiktok? Idk man I'd hit it and quit it ngl
  18. https://houseparty.com/in-the-house/
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