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Everything posted by Nytlyt

  1. Nytlyt

    Highway 17

    Runs all the way from Sebring, Florida to just outside of Washington D.C. It is an extremely long highway. Interstate 95 was built to be its parallel. If I ever need to get to the white house, I have a straight shot all the way there.
  2. I must have hit the nail square on the head.
  3. In the dinosaur run game you can play while you wait for the internet to stop being retarded, if you use the arrow keys to jump instead of space you can press the down arrow key to duck. This allows you to duck under the mid-level pterodactyl that comes flying at your as opposed to jumping over it.
  4. Weed is for pussies.
  5. Your score is 25
  6. Are you trying to pick this apart because I posted it? WhatCulture is pretty fucking liberal by all accounts and mostly do list videos and some vids about pop culture stuff. They are not a political or partisan channel at all... Lol I can just picture you pouring over this because "Bucket posted it must be moar right-wing Yahtzee stuff" and singling out... what? A single instance where someone misspoke? Lmao Lmfao
  7. Uh... K?
  8. Yeah their games have always been janky, but that was "part of the charm". People are starting to realize that they're just lazy, uncreative hacks though.
  9. In Soviet Russia, music writes you!
  10. I guess this is legitimate GitS universe lore. Still...
  11. Don't drink 4 gallons of water when you're tripping balls
  12. What kind of notes? Death notes? Musical notes? Post-It notes? Class notes?
  13. Nytlyt


    I'm gonna laugh really hard when furryphobia gets added to the arbitrary, progressive list of naughty things.
  14. Aw, you didn't have to do that. I hardly post in there anyways. Thanks though.
  15. I've got a pretty good idea.
  16. Nytlyt


    I wouldn't classify getting infected by an alien that was trying to eat your brain as a "power", but I guess I get where you're coming from. EDIT: Getting some heavy FNAF vibes from some of those screenshots.
  17. This is discrimination.
  18. Oh. Well who is Steve Blum supposed to voice?
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