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Everything posted by Nytlyt

  1. Idk prob? I forgot who it was but right before my tray nap someone on Discord said they were surprised I wasn't dead; I think I meant to say something like "Lol yeah me too." but I guess that's when I passed out. I vaguely remember coming to a couple hours later, washing off my face, and next thing I know is I'm in bed essentially incorporating my laptop screen as one of my pillows. So, took it down to a local guy I know. Hopefully it's just the screen that's borked, otherwise I'm gonna be phone posting for the next couple of months or so. To get back around to your initial question, eh, I suppose. I try not to make a big deal of it but pretty much no one here is going to be surprised when the time comes.
  2. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I'm sure you've woken up in much more peculiar places plenty of times.
  3. Good thing it was only a couple hours, and the tray wasn't very full. Still, rather unpleasant. Cleaned myself up though, so that's a step in the right directions.
  4. Back when I was like 10 I would play MoHAA a lot and was somewhat decent job invited to a few clans, couple of them had message boards. But, you know... I was like C-Tier clan forums so maybe like 10-20 people on them and most people just talked about server hosting and game nights for competitions.
  5. It was Westwood Online, actually.
  6. I think I made an account on the Neopets forum way back in the day. Recall getting banned from trolling or harassing at least a couple times. Eventually got my account permanently suspended because I was exploiting the player-to-player bartering system. Basically, you could put something in your shop; a very popular item, set it at a certain price, wait a little bit, then change the price. If another used had clicked on your shop page link, they would go there, still see the low price, go to buy it; but, during purchase you've jacked that priced up, other user is informed they got the item and also notice that the price had gone up significantly. Naturally, it, didn't take long to for enough people to cry to the help and my account got frozen.
  7. I forget the actual name of it, I wanna say it was battle.net but I'm not sure that was it. It was the lobbies in the command and conquer online multiplayer matchmaking. Different servers and they all had chatrooms. So, not really a "forum" but it was a place to interact w/ RTS nerds in real time while chat while planning matches.
  8. Yeah I was just saying that even the normies would probably give it a 6/10. I, personally, would give it a 4/10. It's just a notch or two over something like 'Freezing'.
  9. No, I knew that. I just... don't understand the logic.
  10. I don't even know what this is supposed to be. I'll come back later after you work out whatever it is you gotta work out. Catcha later, homeslice. Feel better mang.
  11. The way I have it set up I don't get any actual effect from following somebody. It's just more like a camaraderie between two people. But, apparently, the feeling is not mutual. Naraku does not believe we are comrades. I don't feel that I should rebuff him, I respect his wishes. Even if there isn't any reason to follow someone, you should still be able to do it.
  12. Can I follow you?
  13. Yeah I watched John Wolfe do Let's Play series and like... it looks alright, and I think the Ourang Medan story is creepy (based on a real event) but yeah... it looked really shit in terms of actual gameplay.
  14. It is done...
  15. 😢
  16. Can't argue w/ facts.
  17. Why is that? I just watched in on Netflix.
  18. Except Naraku. 🥰
  19. Just checked your profile. >_> *stalkystalky*
  20. I guess it could be what they use in their shakes or something.
  21. Possibly... but would they really call soy oil "creamy"? I guess only someone that's worked at Arby's could fill us in on the purpose of such a befuddling contraption.
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