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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. sahockeygrl15


  2. Needs more fluff
  3. I haven’t had waffles in forever. I love waffles though
  4. I should have bought a house with a yard that doesn’t have a hill in the front of it....
  5. That is a good to know! Thank you!
  6. I read this as Best Shining Face
  7. Abreast. Not to be confused with a breast. (This also had me dying of giggles on our leadership meeting. Someone take my adult card from me please.)
  8. sahockeygrl15


    Pretty sure I failed.
  9. Burn the house down
  10. Just depends on the girl. Me, I’ll take a nice guy to Netflix and chill.
  11. What would you say is better? A patio fire pit, either gas or for wood or a ring for the lawn?
  12. I went through something similar a week or so ago. Then came Aunt Flow
  13. Either friend zoned or she wants the d
  14. Only some people
  15. Wishing it was Friday at 5pm..
  16. I need a landline for a cheaper cable/internet bill. I also need my sports and Hallmark channel. Lawlz.
  17. I know, it makes zero sense. I need cable shows though.
  18. The second one..
  19. Do you shower while in quarantine? I feel like some people might be really crusty at this point.
  20. I just want the zombie apocalypse to happen already.
  21. I have a landline. Because it’s cheaper than if I didn’t. Don’t ask me the number, though.
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