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Everything posted by moose

  1. Opinions, man. I mean, you think Fairy Tail is good, of all things. Lmao. I completely disagree with you, but I'm not going to mock you or call out your tastes because of it. So do the same for those who like HxH or IBO. Simple.
  2. It's possible. Dragonball Super likes to pull on your nostalgia heartstrings, so they've brought back many old conventions that DBZ dropped.
  3. Don't try to to feed Jman logic. it's OP, and therefore he won't listen to anything other than himself.
  4. This thread is now a circle jerk of HxH hate, isn't it? .... Welp. At least it isn't One Piece this time. Carry on. *leaves*
  5. Actually I think even Japan gave up on anything succeeding DBZ (or OP too, over there) given how long-runners are essentially no more and making things seasonal makes things harder to explode in popularity due to not always being on TV.
  6. I honestly would've made Rin have a nightmare or something similar recapping all the filler material and then having him wake up right before the trial, that way he could've still had his original interaction with Shemi and the others and everything would have gone smoother... but meh.
  7. Stop complaining. One Piece is in a way better spot than years ago. Yeah, it's not DBZ.... But NOTHING will match DBZ's popularity, because DBZ came out at the right time and you can't replicate that. It has nostalgia to back it up. Yeah, it sucks 4Kids applafied it's already silly nature, but there's nothing we do about that. It had a shitty start, we can't deny that. But look at it now... we're alrwady 500+ episodes in with the dub... thats already longer than most dubs go for. The latest movie was brought over relatively quickly and is being put in US theaters, even (granted, it's a limited release, but so was DBZ, and it's actually being shown in a good amount of theaters either way). Games come out frequently, merchandise is sold in some stores (which only carry the more popular titles), and apparently its the most popular online streaming anime of 2016. I'd say OP is doing fine. It doesnt need to the be the big deal it is in japan to be doing fine. Because that phenomenon is not going to happen again in the west. the closest we've gotten to that is AoT and OPM and they still pale in comparison to DBZ. So, yeah, stop comparing to DBZ and just look at what OP has accomplished on it's own.
  8. No, Toei reanimated it. They don't use anything animation wise from the movie. But it's basically the same with some small differences. Same with the Ressurection of F arc. We don't get true new content (well, excluding some slice of life episodes like this one) until 27 episodes in. I mean, watch if you want, but it's just a more dragged out Battle of Gods. >
  9. I always thought it never got truly good until York New City (which to me is really awesome), but then I didn't mind the stuff before it either (although the Heavens Arena arc to me is meh).
  10. I don't really like the Heavens Arena arc much, but the upcoming York New City arc is pretty awesome... and it stars Kurapika.
  11. Ahh, Super. This first arc is pretty meh because you can just watch Battle of Gods and be done with it. Instead with Super, its dragged on for like 14 episodes with worse animation. Not much incentive to watch other than the novelty of this being a new Dragonball tv series, but hey, whatever.
  12. You're gonna be even more fucking confused once that whole tidbit reveals itself, but due to spoilers I won't tell you anymore. But trust me - it's convoluted nonsense.
  13. It was stated him sucking all those shadows up was a desperate move and that even he couldn't control all those shadows at once. He didn't have a good enough grip on them, so to speak, so after sustaining enough damage he let go. I mean Luffy did just hit him full-force with a 2nd Gear + 3rd Gear hit about 3 times. I'd say that'd do it.
  14. Hmm... Moria's down, but there's still an uneasy feeling in my gut (well besides people bursting into flames).... I wonder why i feel like this?
  15. It honestly wasnt that noticable and sounded like a normal Ha Ha Ha, anyway. Probably why FUNi didn't keep it, they didn't notice it.
  16. Hits with enough force can hurt Luffy (as Lucci demonstrated) but they largely don't really effect him. Think of it like Pokemon and a "It's not very effective" move.
  17. In the japanese version he has a "AH AH AH" laugh. The dub didn't keep that quirk.
  18. Not necessarily. That just means those two characters were conceived, but that whole plot twist with Itachi screams like something added at a whim.
  19. I mean, I didn't like the way the show was going, but I wouldn't have called it utter trash at that point. Mediocre, maybe. But now it's trash.
  20. Pretty much. This whole "plot-twist" (more like retcon) is done to put itachi in a sympathetic light, but it's just too damn god-awful too work after everything we've heard.
  21. This the point where the story turns to utter trash (with a brief upswing during the Pain stuff coming up). God I hate this part of the series.
  22. UGHGHGHGHGHHGHGGHGG This plot twist is still so god-awful. >_<
  23. I'm not gay shaming anybody. I have no problem with you being gay, I do have a problem hearing about your deepest desires. What about that is hard to understand? Stop playing a victim
  24. I just don't see the point of being so open about it.
  25. I still don't get the point of the 8pm showing if they're not even going to promote it.
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