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Everything posted by moose

  1. Come again? I never go to that thread. I never proclaim my sexual desires for everyone to see other than making a few jokes with friends and of course with my choice of partner (my wife). You know... how it should be.
  2. Exactly, Jman. Hard to believe we're agreeing. What part of this is hard to understand, Mochi? Stop trying to make yourself the victim for the umpteenth time, I already told you it's not a 'gay thing' it's a 'telling everyone about your fetishes' thing.
  3. Not the people, the idea of wanting to project your sexual desires for the world to see instead of just keeping it intimate within a few select people of your choice (like lovers, close-freinds, etc etc). So unless all that defines you is your sexuality, then you should be fine. That's another problem. People who have no personality other than their sexuality.
  4. If wishing people would be more refined and classy makes me a bigot, then fine, I'm a bigot.
  5. If I could have my way, I would make each and every one of us more reserved and dignified in our ways and completely obliterate stuff like this... but alas I don't have that power, so all I ask is if you keep this stuff among those into it (so yeah, if you have followers on Tumblr or whatever thats fine, post it there) and leave us normies alone who don't care that your fetish includes ramming a penis up your mouth so that it comes out of your ass. >_>
  6. I mean here. Obviously you can post anything on Tumblr because that's where the followers that want your shit will look it up.
  7. Just because you're gay, doesn't mean you're a pervert (although I've seen way to many bi-sexual people push their preference on people, at least more than straight people) but you are without a doubt a pervert.
  8. Yeah, but you don't seem to stop mentioning that you have worse pictures at every turn. We don't care. Just post the clean ones when you want and be done with it.
  9. Just makes it seem like your entire effing persona revolves around said perverted things. Like it consumes you so much you just have to find an outlet to scream at the top of your lungs so that the sexual desires don't consume you. It's too much for you to handle, these feelings are making you too hot, too horny.... so you let the world know in the most explicit manner possible to let off steam (or splooge). It's just... disgusting. And also kinda barbaric. We're humans. We're supposed to be more civilized than animals when it comes to sex.
  10. Sigh.... you're trying to make this funny scene perverse.... aren't you.
  11. Well yeah, Oda just made the designs more sexier which is fine. But Mashima contantly depicts sexual situations and different fetishes. And yes I do have a problem with that because it makes his series suffer. He's so much of a horn-ball he injects these sexual situation at every turn, even during serious moments, which kinda ruins the whole flow and makes taking the series serious almost impossible. So yeah. And you being gay isn't the issue. It's anyone who apparently feels like telling everyone about their fetishes. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. And from what I've seen you're a good artist Mochi, but I have no interest in your fetishes so I would like to actually see some of your art work that doesn't resolve over such explicit things.
  12. Let's not try to save face now, you said America in general, and yet here it is sharing the spot light with many popular American shows. If this doesn't show you how, when it comes to popularity, Toonami ratings are pretty irrelevant, I dunno what else does. And that's what we're addressing, mind you. Not whether or not you want shorter shows to replace both long-runners.
  13. So basically again another case of you fucking people wearing your fetishes on your sleeves for the world to see, as if we want to know that shit. That's private shit. Keep that stuff to yourself or among those fanbases. I'll never understand the need to express your sexual desires so loudly. To me, that just translates to being so goddammn horny you can't control yourself and let loose. We're human beings. We're able to contain ourselves unlike animals. Let's look the part.
  14. Let me shine some light onto you, Mochi. FT started off normal when it comes to fanservice, but at the point from where it is right NOW, you might as well call it an ecchi series. The fanservice is off the charts nowadays, so much so that it intrudes into the drama (which is one reason it's not very good). Now, the tv anime tones down a lot of the violence and sexual content. But the OVA's do not and contain Hiro's Mashima's perverse story-telling at full-force.... and that particular omake or side-story contained alot of male fan-service. Typically he usually just does females so its not something you should expect for the series proper. Hope that helps. And dear god man, I'm glad you have the gift to draw but why oh why is everything you draw dictated by your hormones? Gray bent over with his butt-hole showing? What would posses you to draw that? And why is it almost everything you draw is explict male nudity? That's like if I couldn't control my hormones so all I draw is naked women being pounded from the front and back... it's just... ugh. Control your hormones and don't let it bleed out in everything you do, geez.
  15. http://comicbook.com/2017/01/01/one-piece-naruto-shippuden-nab-spots-as-two-of-2016-s-most-popul/ Surprisingly, One Piece ranked higher than Naruto. But still, this is really good for them and should show that just because they preform lukewarm on Toonami, it doesn't mean there's no audience for them here.
  16. Oh I forgot to ask, Sketch. Two things - ...and... Did FUNi keep the ending song or was it replaced? I know for Strong World they replaced the ending theme but for Film Z they didn't, so I would just like to know if it isn't too much trouble. EDIT: New clip of the English dub incoming. FUNi is kinda going overboard with all these "exclusive" clips, lol. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x579cz7_one-piece-gold-exclusive-movie-clip_shortfilms
  17. Well, since it aired LITERALLY on New Years, you can't really fault it. Still, it being DBZ, I thought it would do a bit better than that. Looks like marathons are over-staying their welcome.
  18. Lmao so this is kinda funny. Apparently the Chinese version of Film Gold has numerous 'sexy' scenes edited or cut out. Here are some examples -- Lmao too saucy I guess. The U.S release will most likely be uncensored of course, because FUNi is handling it. (Also, there's a male ass-shot for you, Mochi. Have at it)
  19. Well the ratings on Toonami ultimately don't matter much besides the top few shows which are currently occupied by the juggernaut that is the Dragonball franchise. The worst that will happen to JoJo is perhaps a push down later into the line-up. Regardless of how it preforms (unless it's outright terrible, which no show has done so far), as we've seen with Gundam and One Piece, Toonami will probably still keep getting future episodes/seasons if it does well enough (which it is since it doesn't take much to keep a slot). So again, just lay off the ratings and just enjoy the shows you like. Leave the ratings to them and don't obsess over them so much.
  20. Yeah Gohan is my most disappointing aspect with Super.... he's just so lame now.
  21. Did I say your opinion was invalid? I may think it's annoying since you won't shut up about it, but never did I say it was invalid. Only that your opinion of the series is skewing your perception of how things really are. Like you thinking OP is a failure.... which it isn't. As i've proved time and time again (which you conveniently ignore) by listing the reasons.
  22. Nope. Nope. Nuh-uh. The only shit is your views when it comes to this subject. Also, who cares what you want. My point was with how far along the dub is, among other things (movie coming to theaters, doing really well on Crunchyroll and HULU, being prominent in stores that sell limited anime merchandise) your annoying view that it's a "failure" has no ground. It just isn't DBZ. Nothing is. Doesn't mean it's a failure. It's time to admit this.
  23. Please. I'm just stating my opinion, as you did. You do the same thing with One Piece (mention it) whenever someone else mentions IBO and JoJo preforming lackluster. Don't front.
  24. Well that's ok, because I think IBO sucked even before Toonami. Opinions! Aren't they wonderful.
  25. But he won't listen, because then he can't trash on OP. Instead he'll refuse to look at the fact the dub is already well into the time skip (meaning 500+ episodes in, which is ridiculous and wouldn't happen if the show was a failure in the states) and pretend it's a failure here while only citing Toonami as the reason it's a "failure". While again ignoring clear evidence to show why it isn't. In other words, his hate-boner for OP is too strong and he can't control himself and starts spewing putrid shit from his mouth. Lol
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