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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I wonder what they're basing their opinions on. Is it the fights? I've only played a little of the recent games, but it seemed like a normal level of violence in a fantasy setting.
  2. Some things just don't jibe with folks. There are a few shows and movies with everything on paper I should like but when I try to watch have zero appeal to me.
  3. Bad Boys: Ride or Die 7/10 - Did what needed to be done. A nice popcorn action movie that let me chill and not want to beat up the director for making it too damn long. Spoiler: I wouldn't suggest watching it without seeing 3.
  4. Nostalgia is a big part of it. Seeing the 1st movie at a drive-in plus that soundtrack made me love it. My entire family is also really big into action movies, so unless a car is being driven into space, we hype for this type of shit.
  5. Not this drug lord got himself painted as Jesus. I was supposed to start Bad Boys 3 this morning but I fell asleep during 2. 2 isn't horrible, but what was the reason for this runtime?
  6. Oh, that's what I forgot. My shit still Christmas.
  7. I forgot that I used to say "Titty, titty, strutty, strutty' when I wore wear clingy dresses back in the day.
  8. About to start working with a Bad Boys marathon playing in the background because my brother is gonna be nice and take me to see 4 tomorrow.
  9. LOL at the new Chainsaw Man trending at number 1 because when it's a specific chapter of something, I know it's fans who aren't screaming with joy. On a side note, Fujimoto weird, but Look Back is something I really want to see.
  10. What I don't get are all these businesses involved with Ohtani who are too cheap to contract their own translators for these huge deals or transactions. I feel like once you're dealing with a certain level of money, you need someone else in the room who speaks the same language as the client besides the one translator.
  11. I feel like any doubt should have disappeared after he wrote If I Did It. Good riddance to that murdering fuck, but also LOL for LAPD trending and everyone trashing their sorry asses. It's also funny to me how the prosecution bungling the trial so badly made it be taught in law schools as a how-to guide of everything not to do in court.
  12. Wack ass pieces of shit really know how to pick the right ones. If some perv with years of inappropriate behavior towards women(and at least one teen) wants to off himself and name me in his suicide note for daring to speak out about him, I will summon my old channer self and desecrate that man's name in every way shape and form. I can feel pity for someone who thinks suicide is the only way out of consequences even though, LOL, ain't nobody in comics getting long-term consequences for being a predator unless they're going to prison. But if you want to blame folks for your own actions on the way out so they're harassed by incels afterwards, then it's fuck you in life and death.
  13. @rpgamer is right that people are gonna care more about losing money if this is done, but also the ease of shipping is too much of a drug for folks to let go of.
  14. I saw a comment that said the only thing slowing down or stopping that thing is land, and I believe them. In Savannah, I saw a cargo ship like that and it stopped me in my tracks just taking it all in. They go on forever and once my brain started trying to calculate how much weight was in all those shipping containers stacked up... it like short-circuited. I do think there should be more attention aimed at the companies who own big cargo ships like that because some of them are known to cut corners, and if that's proven to be the case with the bridge crash, that endangers our infrastructure.
  15. *Adds another checkmark next to Seth MacFarlane's name on the list*
  16. The number of layoffs are honestly even higher and quicker than I imagined. It's so depressing to watch even as someone who isn't an artist for a living. AI bros look like the goofiest motherfuckers right now. "AI's the best thing that happened to artists! Corporations are gonna be so kind and use generative AI to help make their artists' work more efficient! There's gonna be so many jobs or UBI will come to save the day!" The goofiest motherfuckers. I can't even keep track of how many artists are leaving the industry entirely so they can survive. And so much shit coming out from companies that looks lazy and ugly. Google Images for art refs is fucked unless you're searching 2020 and before that year. Getting covers, license-free images, or even getting license-free audio clips is hell now. Contract negotiations are even worse now too in pretty much every creative industry. You have little say about your work being fed into AI programs and so many positions changed just so you're paid less for fixing AI shit. It is bad-bad.
  17. How does this Worldcon shit keep getting worse?
  18. The Rom Com Bracket has turned into a war.
  19. Animesuki forums is getting traffic again. Maaann, and you know I don't remember what info I used to sign in that mug.
  20. Oh that was Jackson State playing. At larger marching band competitions in the south, they would come play as an invited special guest. Always a hell of a show and they had a great music scholarship program too.
  21. *Sees 'Oh Alicia' trending* STAAAAHHHHPPP! That was a real rough first note though.
  22. I'm still annoyed that Sharpe bungled that part of the interview when Katt Williams was talking about leaving his brothers with their abusive father. Dude jumped in with blunt as fuck questions without letting Williams chill a little, and Williams immediately shut down and changed the subject.
  23. The writing can be a factor, but Perry has a whole different energy level when playing Madea. He really lets loose into that persona and can actually be funny sometimes when that character isn't steeped in his horrible ideas about romantic relationships and gender roles.
  24. The black queer chats discussing Katt dunking on Tyler Perry for sucking at playing male roles: He's so awkward when he's playing anyone but Madea. And the way we were scratching our heads trying to think of a good role he played besides his character in Gone Girl. There was a collective wince just bringing up Alex Cross. I don't even know where he got the audacity to think he could step into Morgan Freeman's shoes without embarrassing himself.
  25. It's been proven, but I needed those two dunked on at a large platform with the Mark Curry tea thrown in. He delivered on that because a lot of folks are talking. He did downplay the fuck out of the legal shit he's been involved in though.
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