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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. My last calories for the night was a Baja Blast, so I can't join in the drinking. I'll be more prepared next week.
  2. This is so adorable that I can't make fun of you for it. Boo, I hope it's something that blows over quickly. Everyone seems to be getting sick lately.
  3. I haven't worked a normal job in years but taking the second position just sounds like a pain if you're not getting paid more for it, especially if your free time is now spent being on call. Also, Nab is for taking the second position, so that probably makes it a bad idea.
  4. For the lingo, you just gotta remember they come in Tall, Grande, and Venti. Venti is a waste of money if you aren't too sure about how much you'll like what you picked out. After you pay at the register, you go down to the other end where's there's a rounded counter where drinks come out. The drinks on the site are usually what's in store unless you see something related to a holiday like Christmas designs on the cup shown in the drink pics.
  5. DragonSinger


    I doubt it. Most viable presidential candidates ain't touching the subject, most states have Republican governors, conservative congressional members on both sides of the aisle may use hookers but they'll pretend to be horribly offended at even the thought of legalizing it, and more liberal politicians may be cool with it but won't publicly support it out of fear of pissing off moderates. I haven't seen anyone with a strong enough base anywhere to counteract our country's hangup with sex, so people get stabbed.
  6. DragonSinger


    Unfortunately even with more feminists getting on board with legalizing prostitution today, enough of middle America is still adamantly against it that it won't be a reality any time soon. I'm sorry for your friends whom you have to keep seeing get hurt.
  7. I can't stand Susan Sarandon, but that kicking scene looks as funny as the stories I've heard about it.
  8. Stilgar hates everyone. Didn't you used to get into a bunch of political debates?
  9. I have no health insurance, so I'm extremely careful with my glasses after how much I paid for them last time.
  10. Surprisingly no, and I'm very forgetful.
  11. I went for it and killed my budget, but it's a good investment as far as designing my own book covers in the future.
  12. That is a good plan because it would suck for her to watch you have all the fun.
  13. This one so I can decide whether or not I'm getting a drawing tablet. Spending over fifty for a purchase is the only time I'll watch long ass vids other than shows/movies.
  14. Oh quit being a baby and get in the jacuzzi with her. I'm sure the water is fine.
  15. I didn't know there was a blu ray of Ergo Proxy. I'm defintely getting that when my next check comes.
  16. DragonSinger


    Thought so.
  17. DragonSinger


    I forgot. Are you the creepy dude who obsessively responds with insults to women who won't fuck you, or was that someone else?
  18. I'm not surprised. When a movie's discussion isn't bogged down with trolls or deleted posts, then it's spammed by rabid fans losing their shit at any negative comment. It is a shame. The IMDB messageboards were one of the first places I posted regularly because I liked reading about an older movie's history or reading comments from people who were around when it was first released. That created good dialogue between old folks and younger people like me just discovering those films. Then IMDB became super popular, a bunch of older discussion pages got deleted, and the modding became lazy because there was simply too much content to keep up with.
  19. I remember that it got played a lot on scifi channel during their anime Saturday mornings back in the 90's.
  20. DragonSinger


  21. Write and eat junk food like any other day.
  22. DragonSinger


    Exercise has been putting me to sleep even on my 'brain won't shut up' nights, but your hormones getting fucked by the doc's retirement is probably a factor. How did the box of alcohol get abandoned at your house?
  23. The last time I went there I found a piece of sausage in my tartar sauce.
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