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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Steins Gate and My Hero Academia because curse you Amazon Deal of the Day. I'm not supposed to spend any more money.
  2. A new body that looks exactly like mine but without any health issues.
  3. These are all isolated incidents. Why should all of us not get to use tagging in individual posts?
  4. But with some instigating members gone and other calmer ones returned, it might work this time.
  5. Why are you letting Buddy ruin this for all of us? Just take away his ability to tag while the rest of us use it for constructive reasons.
  6. I believe that tagging posts will be very helpful in finding posts when the search function doesn't bring up what I need.
  7. The one with Fonda was Kiss of the Dragon. I remember loving when the title was 'explained'.
  8. Brainsmasher: A Love Story
  9. You spout nothing but ignorant shit and then play dumb whenever you're called out on it. And nice try to make it look like I'm the oh so sensitive one when your weak ass drops out of threads because you can never back up your bullshit.
  10. 1. Keep nigga out of your mouth if you want less issues with me. 2. Putting nigga in your second post of your thread isn't how you keep things lighthearted.
  11. I'm sure they feel real safe around straight dudes in your social circle.
  12. That is all kinds of bad situations waiting to happen, so you have nothing to feel embarrassed about. And that kind of trash can attract much bigger things than rats.
  13. So kids are living in a house with trash bags reaching the roof?
  14. But yeah, have you called any authorities about either situation yet?
  15. Do you have any friends who can raise an abused pitbull and steal it, or you can steal and give to them?
  16. How close are you to their place, and what does it smell like over there?
  17. Uh because they probably feel safer and less likely to get the shit kicked out of them by expressing effeminate traits around other gay dudes than straight men. You live in the deep south and can't figure that out?
  18. Isn't it funny how comfortable you are saying nigga and how you recently had a friend think you're the dude to share racist shit with? Just so funny.
  19. It looks corny as hell, but I'll be happy if it doesn't end up being boring because I have so little options in this genre.
  20. You made my thread sad. Why you do this, Phillies? Why can't you have healthier thoughts like murdering other people?
  21. I'm heading into Indiana to see extended family and because of that 1-3 inches lie that turned out to be a foot, we're getting a snow shovel while we're there. They were pretty much gone back in Georgia because why the fuck would anyone stock more than like 5. *Bitterly remembers kicking a path clear for my dog to poop*
  22. This is one series that a female vigilante would be the only way to make it work today. And you can still make it brutal as fuck without relying on rape of loved ones or herself as a plot device. You've got plenty of ripped from the headlines inspiration like the Affluenza case or hell, targeting cops who got away with murder in addition to regular criminals if you want extra shock value.
  23. I'll give pretty much anything Urban Fantasy a shot(except Twilight. That was debt owed for forcing my mom to watch all of the Harry Potter movies), so I'm gonna watch it.
  24. So you psychically murdered him. Nice work!
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