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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. If 2023 could be summed up in a single image... ...umm, yeah! 😵
  2. GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS!? RATINGS HUMP-DAY!! 🐪🐫🐪 PART 1: PREMIERES https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-400-cable-shows-week-ending-26th_01602488462.html?m=1 American Dad's new 11 PM Wednesday premiere led the charge, while Dr. Stone, MAWS, and One Piece dropped a bit but still did pretty solid and made the Top 100. Shippuden checked in at #123 on the Top 400. PART 2: RERUNS https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-200-cable-reruns-week-ending-26th_01243089880.html Unfortunately, no Toonami shows made the Top 200, confirming that MAWS' huge numbers on the Better Cartoon Show last week were probably a fluke. The cut-off was 0.107 in 18-49, so MAWS on Toonami did not much better than or worse than Dr. Stone (0.102). When Checkered Past hits, that premieres list is probably going to start looking really interesting, since the shows that airs there are technically network premieres for [as]. Normally, reruns would likely fall outside the Top 200 at those hours, but we may get a glimpse into how those shows are doing at those hours after all!
  3. I kinda expected Superman to do well, but I am STUNNED at this! Let's see how Episode 3 (or is it 2?) did tomorrow!
  4. At this point it's pretty much a Toonami/Genndy con.
  5. Presumably, but assuming they couldn't get anything else, they MIGHT get the later seasons, which have never aired on TV before, not even during TNT's short-lived HBOMax crossover block, whatever the hell it's called.
  6. I like his! We 10 billion percent skipped an episode!
  7. I went with Harley Quinn because it's the only one they made with no plan whatsoever to rectify... Come ON, [as] Toonami, air My Adventures With Superman and HQ's Season 1 finales in the same night back-to-back, I TRIPLE-DAWG DARE YA!! ...and the only reason I say this is possible is we don't know when exactly MAWS S1 is gonna end. It has 10 episodes, we DO know that, but have we seen 2 or 3? Some guides are calling last week's airing Episode 2. If that's the case, then MAWS will continue into early September easily. If Toonami needs filler, they could do worse than to finally air that missed episode of HQ, perhaps even to continue with Seasons 2-4 after that! We've got nearly uncensored TV-14 movies airing during ACME Night; come on, Standards and Practices, give 'em uncensored HQ after midnight!
  8. Hopefully they'll go on an extended tour someday. Can't believe The Church is coming to a place called Saturn in my town!
  9. I dozed off during this, but now I might be back...
  10. It's time to collide with Shippuden! Only Toonami!!
  11. Glad I had a bite to eat earlier during Dr. Stone!
  12. Good Lord, these idiots have the memory of a goldfish!
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