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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. That's not good. Come on, Toonami, at least wait until after you replay the episodes!
  2. I will say it's kinda welcome because we haven't had a good steampunk show on Toonami in a while!
  3. Oh wow, Grey Delisle plays the fox woman! I didn't catch that before!
  4. Hopefully this will be a little better than last week’s Heartbreakers! Good GOD!!
  5. Unicorn Warriors Eternal did pretty good: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-thursday-5-4-2023-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html Well over 100K 18-49, and I believe that's the benchmark for success these days. Beat everything that isn't sports or Jersey Shore. Beat the crap out of step-sister network Discovery's BattleBots in that demo for sure!
  6. Saw Episode 2 just now, well, sort of. Pretty cool, but nothing we haven't seen before!
  7. Except that this will apparently be "Attack on Titan: The Next-To-Last One Forever and Ever (For Real This Time) (We Fucking Mean It)!!" 🤣
  8. ...that's absurd. Everyone thought CGI would completely replace hand-drawn animation and it didn't. AI animation will be the same way.
  9. Color me surprised! https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-4-29-2023-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html Yep, I actually DO get to post the grid, since OP and N:S managed to escape from the prehistoric run-to-near-extinction abyss that was the midnight hour of Primal, and it seems reairing the same episode people saw just 23 hours prior at 12:30 didn't do Food Wars! any favors, as it checked in at #55 with a mere 0.06 in 18-49 and 140K total viewers. An interesting note: comparing the #41 slotted USFL game (which I attended in person) on this chart and in the companion Skedball chart below... https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/skedball-weekly-sports-tv-ratings-4-24-4-30-2023.html ...we know that a 0.08 in 18-49 translates to approximately 100K viewers in that demographic. This means OP and N:S still got 80-85 thousand viewers 18-49 even in these dark times.
  10. Wow. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/food-wars-shokugeki-no-soma-the-fifth-plate/episode-7/.162974 Good question! Not giving up on the show, because it's pretty much the ONLY non-long runner premiering on Cable TV these days! For those still curious, 2.5 stars.
  11. I don't think WoG was even dubbed until 2013. I need to watch that just to see if I agree that it's worse than GXP.
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