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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Episode 13: Dawn of Man Not much brutality in this one. ONE fierce fight with some bear-riding Vikings though.
  2. I wonder if they censored out the willies yesterday evening, since they were on at 7:30 PM...
  3. Caesar Clown and Vergo, oh my! And just who is White Hunter? Find out tonight (5/13-14) at 1:30 on Toonami!!
  4. You mean this arc, not the show.
  5. Yeah, unfortunately no. I think it's one of the 7 or so free shows right now on Crunchyroll. Don't know how this bodes for AOT since it's also a weird situation, and frankly I believed we'd see that before Dr. Stone!
  6. UWE is monumental in a way in that it's the first show [as] has had since splintering off from CN that is specifically marketed to BOTH audiences! It is definitely an [as] show but seems made for the ACME Night crossover block.
  7. On 6/3 there will only be 3 episodes of Food Wars! 5th Plate left. I suppose what we might see is a dual-episode finale of UWE on 6/24, with Dr. Stone Season 3 temporarily knocked down to 1 AM, then a marathon of UWE on 7/1, either 2nd half or whole show 12-5 AM, before it gets an encore run beginning 7/8. Meanwhile, hopefully Dr. Stone Season 3 can ascend to Midnight with its 5th episode and we can get another new show or two on 7/8? If just one, maybe back to 2 episodes of One Piece? The future in the 2nd half of 2023 might be quite bright for Toonami indeed!!
  8. Really, without the Coronation of King Charles, One Piece probably would have made it to the Top 50 this week. Six slots went to the British monarch's crowning, landing One Piece at #54.
  9. Well, 3-peats of Unicorn Warriors Eternal didn't completely trash Toonami's ratings after all: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-5-6-2023-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html You'd think I would be used to Food Wars being the lead premiere by now, but I just can't get used to it. Oddly enough, unlike last week, where it missed the Top 50 and OP and N:S made it, this week it landed in the Top 50 and the other 2 premieres didn't. Plus, it beat the Coronation on Fox News, so that's something, right? Toonami's continued strength is probably due to all that Big Dad Energy at 10PM-12AM flowing into it, but we'll find out for sure in a few days!
  10. I guess Unicorn Warriors Eternal is chopped liver, then? It may not be a Toonami exclusive, but it's the best damn show on [as] right now, but of course that isn't saying much. Oh wait, that was posted on 5/1. It would be a full 3 days until we got UWE.
  11. Yeah, sorry--I fell asleep. Just watched it again tonight at a more watchable time, and I gotta say it was a great episode! Good to see Caesar finally get his ass kicked, but I fear Brownbeard may not be able to survive that shooting! Then again, his skin is as tough as an alligator!
  12. I could see a future where AI is used to augment animation production rather than outright replace human artists, sort of a hybrid approach where the AI is used for "in-between animation" that greatly speeds up production times even to the point of making working as an animator feel less like slave labor. But that's just me being naïvely optimistic about AI, I guess...
  13. Sometimes I forget we DO actually have a source for rerun ratings even though ShowBuzz ain't providing them anymore, so let's take a look back and see if MHA and/or Primal made it these last 3 weeks: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Pp2JTXw6GBszksBUaWE-qM9O0B-azpC97ShLElWMBoU/pubhtml?headers=false# I'm not surprised MHA Season 6's 3rd-to-last episode encore at Midnight on 4/15/23 didn't make the Top 200 for the week. The cutoff was 0.113 in 18-49 and the 12:30 premiere episode only managed a 0.08. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Pp2JTXw6GBszksBUaWE-qM9O0B-azpC97ShLElWMBoU/pubhtml?headers=false# Similarly, the lead-in to a 0.07 MHA Season 6 Finale on 4/22/23 didn't stand a chance against that week's Top 200, as its cut-off was 0.110. Something interesting DID happen on 4/29/2023 though: https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-200-cable-reruns-week-ending-26th_01243089880.html Primal missed the boat, but the episode of American Dad that led-into it DID make the Top 200. Were viewers somehow expecting something new and were then sorely disappointed, or do they just like American Dad that much more than Toonami? It seems a pretty strong rebuke of ANOTHER rerun of Season 2 of Primal when AD scored a 0.123 with 18-49 at 11:30 but Primal couldn't even muster a 0.113. The biggest question on my mind, however, is "will Unicorn Warriors Eternal threepeats on Toonami be able to turn the tide?" And will the amply exposed show be able to hit the Weekly Top 200 Reruns in their pre-prime time Friday Night and ACME Sunday Night timeslots?
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