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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with that at all.
  2. But I like this current avatar. ;_;
  3. Yeah, that just looks disgusting. lol
  4. Are you sure we've never met?
  5. Yeah, that makes a hell of a lot of sense. Besides, my mom was talking to me the other day about how the pants she was wearing had no pockets, and I had mentioned that it was a way to make her have to have a purse. Her response? "But I like my purse." I love my mom, but I wish she didn't have to carry that thing around all the time, especially considering all the ne'er-do-wells out there these days.
  6. I'm rooting for a blimp crash.
  7. Believe me when I tell you that you're not the only one.
  8. Tell me about it. Losing things is the worst.
  9. Sunflower sees are good. They're also very addicting.
  10. Yeah, and then Rita hit and we both got the short end of the stick on that one. We went without power for five whole days. (Same thing with Ike three years later.) And for the record, this isn't one-upping you or anybody else. I'm just saying that I can relate because I live in an area that has to watch the Atlantic every summer in case we get a hurricane that's supposed to head our way. What pisses me off about having to deal with major storms is the aftermath, where some people feel like they have to jack up the price of gas, food, water, and especially generators. At the same time, it's good because regardless of wherever I've lived down here, every time we've had a major storm come through, the community as a whole comes together and takes care of each other, especially those who need it the most. Things like this can actually bring the best out of people. I just wish we could see more of that under normal circumstances.
  11. Yeah. I mean I got only negligible damage to the house, but we didn't have power for over seventy-three hours. Thankfully, I was able to borrow my mother's generator.
  12. Not sure, but I survived a tornado.
  13. Dude, nice Pink Floyd reference!
  14. Two-minute warning, and the Bengals have the ball. I don't think this bodes well for the Chiefs.
  15. Mahomes just had the ball slip out of his hand as he was about to throw it. Bengals recovered, and they just converted on fourth down. They're six yards from glory.
  16. You're right. After I initially rebutted you, I thought "well, maybe Pooh has a point" and watched that last series more closely. He seemed like he was rattled there because he was rushing the throw when he threw that INT.
  17. Alive and kicking, homie.
  18. And I'm 0-1 today. It's close in KC right now. Pooh: I don't know if I'd say Burrow is rattled. I do know that the Bengals O-line is missing three starters and that's making a huge difference.
  19. lol Likewise.
  20. You're winning at internet life. HIGH FIVE!
  21. Haven't gotten it yet for the PS4. I almost did, but the person I was gonna buy it from was asking way too much for it. So I walked away.
  22. People suck. That is all.
  23. The Boss truly is the boss of all sandwiches at Subway. *chefs kiss* 11/10 Would eat again.
  24. I need to call Discount Tire and set up an appointment to get my tire replaced. Driving on a donut suuuuuuuuuuuucks!
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