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avec last won the day on April 25 2020

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About avec

  • Birthday May 12

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  1. A nice jazz-influenced tune
  2. @scoobdog keepin the thread rave goin! time to d-d-d-d-dance
  3. I think I had the opposite concern, that I was not witty enough to post in Babbling but I could spill all my absurdity in IB.
  4. I looked up to Saddy so much. Being a small witness to her journey over the years gave me a lot of courage to keep trying and try to enjoy life as best I could. I'm so sad for her family and hope she can rest well now.
  5. I was too lazy to pull out my external HD for old screenshots, ty for the link
  7. whambulance https://picard.ytmnd.com/
  8. I clap 4 da shoe hands 1337
  9. Hmmm from what I can recall, I spent most of my time lurking in a lot of folders but ended up posting mainly in Babbling and IB with occasional fangirling in OA. I tried to get into Rants and felt obliterated lol. Definitely did not have a developed enough worldview at the time. Edit: I still can't spell/grammar
  10. Happy 20 years everyone. I'm reminiscing or at least trying to remember shenanigans from back then. What's coming to me are sweet memories of OAers Rainy, Caramello and Milky. I really appreciated meeting peeps at a couple cons and trying to keep up with people over the years. Shoutout to Mewn for our random messages lately! Despite all the bs, it was really fun to get to know people better on the discord during the pandemic and play games together. Ty to the peeps that kept up with me and checked in - y'all know who you are. Being a part of the boards helped me stay alive. Thank you for all the fond memories.
  11. until
    Pooping is a healthy part of your everyday. Please care for your butt.
  12. oOoooooOoo
  13. Thank you so much @Sawdamizer🍻
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