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Everything posted by avec

  1. ... also... FREE FOR ALL
  2. It says here that if I marinate in the pickle bath for more than a day and pickle that you automatically invite the pickle reaper into your home.
  3. The line __________________________________ (you)
  5. Mmhm.
  6. You know, never once in my entire life have I questioned that. ๐Ÿ˜‚
  7. Wat
  8. I hope there's vinegar involved.
  9. Im a fan of a good mix of bumps, not bumps, and mostly green.
  10. Im officially pickled.
  11. Nop
  12. Chihayafuru 3 ep 13 Black Clover 116
  13. Or the random ass sites that have extra extra random ass requirements like: Password must contain 13 characters Must contain 1 number Must contain 5 symbols, but not @, !, or & Must contain blood Also, wtf is with usernames randomly requiring a number like gtfoh, I will never ever remember that.
  14. This makes sense if you plan on staying somewhere for a long time and can get a loan.
  15. That's awful Pat. I hope the situation is better now - rerouting where the water is going or something.
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