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Everything posted by avec

  1. Woah! Were you scared or just amazed?
  2. As a painter, I have strayed away from doing gallery shows or teaching at an institution because it can feel at times that to make it (whatever the hell that means) is to cater to the 1% Jeff Koons style. My tolerance for bs and people may just be lower than my motivation to keep making work. With social media, artists can capitalize on platforms to do commissions and if they're lucky make a portrait of a celebrity (ha ha) and hit it "big". In a lot of ways though, social media can be a way to circumvent playing into a formula. I'm curious how comic artists, musicians, social practice artists, graphic designers, etc are feeling in the economy rn.
  3. I'm curious how those of us working in the arts feel about the art market right now. Here are some random prompts to use if you'd like. - Does it feel like there's a set of rules to follow for success? - Are we in a time of more flexibility to make money (haha, what's that) in an art field? - Do you feel you have to cater to certain audiences to be successful? - Are you able to use your creative energies in your job to grow your skills and potential? - Do you feel burned out trying to use your skills as a job?
  4. I let myself sleep in today / depression and had a couple of odd dreams: 1. A dance cohort of artists Im in irl put on a show at a high school in my dream. It was a variety show of dance, improv, and drag. I half assed learned a small part for a Rhythm Nation performance. We set up the cafeteria with streamers and those plastic tables from Menards so the hs kids could eat their lunch and watch the show. I didnt feel valued so I didnt try and the show was bad. Like not even comically bad, just bad. There was a random burly guy with a big beard that I was digging. 2. I was living in a small house by the ocean where I was about 10. I got into an argument with my uncle (?? Not sure) over a card game and said I hated him. I ran out of the house and disappeared for about 10 years. Now I was the uncle in the present and was homeless. A worker was going around filling the giant plastic trays around all of the homeless peoples necks with a giant tub labeled in marker, "Water". A giant bug, which Im assuming is a locust, kept buzzing around my head and driving me crazy. At some point I found an enormous grasshopper in the same house as before with giant ribbon-like wings. It occurred to me that my niece had been living this whole time as the locust. So we went on an epic journey to solve our problems and transform her back into a person which included: going through an obstacle course of giant kids playgrounds along the beach, talking on beautiful balconies overlooking the ocean, and capturing her as a locust to put her near the giant grasshopper. Anyway, she turned back into a human and I was now back in her pov and apologized for saying I hated him. tldr; dreams are telling me too much about myself.
  5. Woah, I am on the peppercini train too. 😂 So... How was the papa?
  6. Why so mad? Its just butter and garlic and some artificial things Im sure. Butter Garlic Papa Johns soul
  7. I live in a great lakes state where a lot of people are working toward better systems (or no fucking systems) for people to actually be able to live. And another good majority are closet racists. The best of both worlds!
  8. Oh are you in the much more livable state of IA?
  9. Nebraskaaaaaaaaa
  10. Call me beep me If you would like to reach me I have a pager on my belt And my phone is a bluetooth Did you want to go to dinner? Well you better boop the beep Or else Ill never know. Ring ring Beep beep be bop a doodle. 🎶
  11. Somehow this made me realize that it could be a drink, not just a shot.
  12. Drink plenty of fluids, sleep sideways on your bed, eat exactly 28 grapes each morning and 1 ginger root (DONT PEEL IT) at night.
  13. Same, stay safe out there. So many people cancelled their plans today and it didn't even start until about 1 pm.
  14. Why would anyone want to drink this?!!
  15. Yaaay happy bday ☀️
  16. Sarazanmai 2 (rewatch) This is such a beautifully creative, chaotic, eye feast of a show.
  17. Sket Dance 2
  18. Sket Dance 1
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