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Everything posted by avec

  1. ICE CREAM? You scream. It's a milk product, ah!
  2. Wow, how many hours did you sacrifice to craft that 400+ prot blanket?
  3. You draw the line you want in your non-existent hair? BOOM, SHITS MAGICCCCCC
  4. As much as renting seems like a money sucker, there are so many things I've seen in the past year (including in this thread) that make me never want to own a house. A giant tree branch fell in our yard this year into the street and luckily didn't hit any vehicles, but apparently the property owner pays for the cleanup. The sidewalk in front of your house gets fucked up somehow, you pay for it. A pipe bursts on your property, you pay for it. I realize I'm a bit naive/uneducated about some of this, but its wild to me that the city doesn't pay for some of these things.
  5. Before scrolling down for a second I thought your cat was that rock in the snake's tank and was like WOAHHMYGOD
  6. My mind cannot explain to me wtf is going on in these photos. Like before and after or after and before or human to alien. Not sure.
  7. Dead rabbits? More like bad habits amirite? .... *walks off the stage
  8. Well you know, we all grow older. And our hair sometimes leaves this plane. And Jerry's is in outer space. I'm not sure where I'm going here. [insert joke]
  9. So it says here that you ordered exactly 17 crates of parrots. Where would you like them?
  10. Is this a very round about way of saying *tootsie roll that you're going solo?
  11. New pants and maybe a pair of gloves.
  12. But I thought we *jazz hands were gonna practice for the breakdance competition *cool hands
  13. Hi uh, I'm here with your delivery of...exactly 45 oranges. Where would you like them?
  14. KNOCK *electric slide KNOCK
  17. Yes! https://mixer.com/ramoisdead
  18. Are you in the gaem Vamped?
  19. Yeah, I wasn't trying very hard here.
  21. Uh I uh am here to sell you sunglasses.
  23. Oh wow, I was so hungry. Thank you. WHAT IS THIS TOFU MEAT?!
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