No matter how old I get everytime Im the same way, like what the actual fuck is happening to my body.
Apparently now I need to expect dizzy spells most of the day.
- wanting a plate of nachos and being able to have some right away
- finding a clean washrag when you thought they were all dirty
- kissing a cactus
- remembering to water the couch
- salsaing the bottom of your jeans
- stepping into a puddle of mud with open toed shoes
- puddle of mudd
- a clean broom
Whatever you do, just clean the toilet. Like the lid, the seat, inside. Nothing less attractive then putting the seat down or pulling a lid up that is covered in piss and shit (and vomit).
Dick smears. No fucking ty 😂
But really, computer keyboards are already nasty enough. I used to be a lab tech at a college and the shit that I would find cleaning mice and keyboards was fucking disgusting. Even the smell
I used to have my DVDs on a bookshelf but Ive been downsizing in the last year so they are now in a paper bag along with some older video games I cant give up yet.
My small collection features Battle Royale, Gokusen, and Welcome to Greenwood. And all the Yu Yu Hakusho seasons.
Im under a lot of deadlines or else I could have helped with judging. Sorry for the nonhelp after having so much enthusiasm for another writing comp. Its honestly one of the things I enjoyed the most about the asmb.