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Everything posted by CutieQuesadilla

  1. I posted and just looked at it. I don’t know what your problem is and i really don’t fucking care either. All i know is you’re being more pussy than a pap smear right now. If you want to act like you have a dick up your ass, you might as well let me or poof peg you.
  2. It hurts and sucks. Pray for me.
  3. Can i has red panda chibi.
  4. Where have you been?
  5. I want to be a mod in the nsfw forum.
  6. -sends boobs-
  7. -sends boobs-
  8. I hate that this feeling is all too familiar. How is it that i am never home when i end up heartbroken? Whether it be Tennessee or California. I might as well be stranded on an alien planet with no other signs of life in sight. Curled up crying on a bed that is not mine. What’s the point anymore. What’s the point?
  9. Too bad.
  10. I never really had chicken and waffles, tbh.
  11. Chicken sounds good.
  12. I’m still in bed. It’s 8am.
  13. Umm. >____>
  14. It’s my day.
  15. 😂😂😂😂😂
  16. You report people. You bitched at pat and rogue until they actually did something. They rather warn people than hear you bitch. 😂
  17. I’m just laughing. I have no words. They got this.
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