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Everything posted by Phillies

  1. You don't fap for extended periods of time (30days to 365 days). Abstinence increases energy levels and returns that youthful sexual vitality we all had before the internet and p0rn. Members agree and support each other. Set a goal (time period) and post that so you can be held accountable.
  2. Yes.
  3. That totally does not work and you know it. ^
  4. where did you think I'd be? at the Leek store?
  5. its a blast
  6. sign up
  7. +1
  8. Trump!
  9. :D :D :D :D
  10. and grandma :-*
  11. Its OK living with Grandma is cool in my book. :-*
  12. I actually predict there will be major problems. I think the Bush administration is going to secretly assassinate him for threatening to expose the truth about 9/11. Or Bush will secretly pay Obama to do it. Trump said if he gets elected EVERYONE WILL KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT 9/11. In this secret lesser known video Trump says "it could be the saudis" but thats code for BUSH. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/02/17/trump_you_will_find_out_who_really_knocked_down_the_world_trade_center_secret_papers_may_blame_saudis.html
  13. You get dick.
  14. Phillies

    I'm alive

  15. Phillies

    I'm alive

    How do you feel about Trump? How are those bed bugs doing?
  16. Not now, but soon.
  17. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  18. Get drunk and go cow tipping
  19. Nah you've got the whole issue misunderstood. If you were gonna try any substance you would try Mary Jane. Its exponentially safer, cheaper and more fun then cocaine. Also you wouldn't want to eat it. You'd get the dosage wrong and accidentally ingest to much. Trust me you don't want to do this, if you've never tried pot before getting high would cause you anxiety rather then fun. Take one single inhale of pot and see how you like it first. If likey likey then take another inhale. Real simple.
  20. I'm not. :\
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