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Everything posted by Phillies

  1. Welcome to the latest of edition of ASMB.
  2. I recommend a banana peel. You can heat it in the microwave for about 15-30 seconds it almost feels like whatever a vag feels like. And you can still eat the banana so its economical. And 2 pieces of raw steak slapped together also feels like a vag.
  3. How do you have 515 posts? Who have you been blowing?
  4. Haven't played since 2007. So I don't know what new cards are like. Best tactics- a pure blue counter spell based deck or fast (dark ritual) pure black deck. You need a little luck with both since blue is weak on offense and black spells end up being expensive and there aren't any easy ways of dealing with specific issues (opponents enchantments). Blue/White decks end up being too slow though I enjoy them the most. Green and Red are always over rated to me. I will crush them anytime and anywhere! edit: 40 card fast black decks can wreak havoc
  5. I still give some credit to Paul Anderson, Afterlife and Retribution were somewhat fun to watch. RES 4 is still on the list of best games ever made. Who would really mind seeing another more superior version of that, even if for lack of originality.
  6. Phillies

    well bleh

    The day is still young.
  7. Lets give him a chance first. Nothing is certain.
  8. http://t12.deviantart.net/SD_ZXGK6vdeARL6PvlWcqJgAJPo=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre11/5b1c/th/pre/i/2013/273/6/1/inner_moka_by_tsukiano-d5rnvt1.png[/img]
  9. I am totally surprised. -cracks beer-
  10. You can fap with anything bro.
  11. Phillies

    well bleh

    Look on the bright side! We still have death, taxes (less now) and premature ejaculation to look forward to!
  12. prepare your selves!
  13. Hillary is swimming naked in the swamp crying and drinking a bottle of jack!
  14. I win <3
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