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Everything posted by Phillies

  1. lol... no seriously... who dun it??? [serious >( ]
  2. Yeah me too! *hugs your leg from fetal position*
  3. who the fuck did this to me? show yourselves!
  4. fuggz and the giant lobster
  5. It really was a false flag attack... just like 9/11, the Boston marathon bombing, and pearl harbor. Obama gave the kids suckers and gummy bears after the event... And lol Asuka in a box.
  6. Miku and the giant Leek
  7. samurai 7
  8. I never played 13 or 15.
  9. was 13-2 any good?
  10. Sometimes you gotta get firm and rough with your waifu. Let them know which member of the species dominates the relationship.
  11. +1
  12. It was Zeni.
  13. Bacon cost moar and requires cooking utensils (stove, frying pan, etc.) Who knows if mods are capable of such feats.
  14. We aren't going to start this shit up again. Truce?
  15. There is a huge difference! Mostly in size.
  17. Maybe, honestly I can't tell for certain.
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