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Everything posted by Phillies

  1. great job luuv <3
  2. Its outside the weekly budget/allowance. There are raw craw fish in the Lake Erie down the street, so we can make a brunch with those.
  3. I like the tiny glass pipes. Or the the little metal one-hitters. They make little glass one-hitters, that shit hits better then anything I've ever tried. A big fat liberty bowl ain't my thing.
  4. fuggz dun't know what shes missing. I offer her Leeks and pillows. And she just wants a Lobster.
  5. That a nice looking waif. Who is that?
  6. You have such a closed mind.
  7. Are you saying my waifu is inferior?
  8. So you want... Lesbando?
  9. I'd rather go with the waifu then the over dosing on the pills part. I mean don't get me wrong, the pills def help. You should get a husbando. Is that what they are called?
  10. Do I need to get an adult?
  11. Walmart has a good sale on pillows. Make sure you determine your waifu's proper dress/apparel size before purchasing.
  12. I trump you!
  13. Emotional support in a cruel world.
  14. When mom threw out my best porno mag.
  15. *rubs your belly gently with the Leek tassels*
  16. Step 1: Make romantic dinner. Use candles. Cooking sillz are a plus, but microwavable pizza and milk are fine too. Step 2: Bring waifu to bedroom or basement, dim lights, have romantic music playing. Step 3: In a direct gesture, throw target appendage around waifu. Being obnoxious and lewd is acceptable, remember waifus like that- Just act like Zeni. Step 4: The birds and the bees. You guys remember health class. Step 5: congratulate yourself.
  17. my new year's resolution is to make a good new year's resolution- next year in 2018.
  18. I win! What do I win?
  19. I thought you were suppost to be bettering your life and getting a new job and whatnot, and here you are eating butterfingers and playing video games?
  20. aka chocolate covered Leeks
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