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Everything posted by Phillies

  1. tell what you just said to Tyler
  2. pizza boy or is military hottie back??
  3. Hidekai Anno has some depression problems or worse it sounds like.
  4. this endless 8 thing is a bit excessive. and is making me question season 2's worth. The ending better be good. I only have 2 more eps to go.
  5. fucking pussy^
  6. hmmm.... this situation is a mess... fuggz needs a clean up.. someone call that dude from the Quentin movie.... Mr. Wolf or the Wolf or whatever...
  7. so wait... is she spraying that coconut smelling oil crap on the hoo ha ?
  8. bro I've been waiting months for a new update.
  9. Clint Eastwood
  10. I fapped at least 6 times then... or was it 15,000 times???? O_o
  11. I just watched the first ep of season 2. I had no idea the endless 8 saga would go on for so long. just gives me more time to fap to the fashion show I guess.
  12. that means I am gonna be hidden in the bushes watching. O_O hopefully the bugs won't get to me.
  13. I only get 40 bucks per week. 😕
  14. 😕
  15. The melancholy of fuggz-sama
  16. basement boy not sure what he does though
  17. how much for both?
  18. I said I'll give you 20 bucks😣 you can buy some weed with that
  19. its better then nothing.
  20. so wait... the LWC pays more???
  21. i've hidden my pillows. but I know where Obama lives.
  22. and the climax of the whole series...
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