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Everything posted by Phillies

  1. Actually I wouldn't want to see this act... it would look like a large black cow giving head to a small white goat.
  2. fuggz likes white donkey dicks... mystery where she finds those things?
  3. you left out the part about how you like eating young white girl's pussys
  4. I ducktaped a fake rubber pussy to the side of a pillow once.
  5. Misato would get demoted to Janitor. Rias would be executive officer under Gendo.
  6. I'll.... I'll take all of them!
  7. Ain't no different. A bunch of black dudes throwing a rubber ball around a wood court and its on a TV SCREEN. That makes it fictional. Shinj Ikari in a big purple robot and Rias Gremory is in nerve HQ giving order, etc, etc, etc. ON A SCREEN YOUR HOBBY IS THE SAME AS MINE.
  8. I seen that shit on Jerry Springer.
  9. the hoo ha needs a douche and a gallon of bleach
  10. with a crane. its our pre-sex fetish. and don't tell me this is not acceptable. some of ya'll fuck balloons without protection :|
      • 2
      • Haha
      • D'oh
  11. give me your number
  12. just tell them you want it lowered for side effect reasons. say it turned your skin black!
  13. its cause you take too much. drop your doseage and come live in the basement its a fair trade off.
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