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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric


    I play with myself.
  2. You're the problem.
  3. If you don't post it now, I'm gonna assume Boo was just being nice and you got a 2 inch tallywacker.
  4. I don't like brownies.
  5. No bans here dude, if you spoiler it.
  6. Ric


    zugz wang + = Me assuming Phillies is blowing some dude named zug.
  7. Don't think, just do. O0
  8. According to Boo.
  9. Posting that impressive cock I've heard about may help you with two of those.
  10. Crack rocks?
  11. Ric


    Who is zug and why are you blowing him?
  12. Never did like those things.
  13. Ric

    Ask me questions

    Do you have a penis or a vagina?
  14. Don't think he could handle a Barbie game.
  15. Right in the pussy?
  16. No all of the above? Charlie Sheen movies and twinkies then.
  17. Negative and judgmental? Maybe learn to be more accepting. Us weebs have feelings.
  18. Exactly, she's 90. But people she isn't even queen to would act like we got some unexpected tragic loss.
  19. I think she's #8, good job on the research.
  20. NO U
  21. I dunno, seen her before but don't remember.
  22. If only, maybe one day. owo <3
  23. This is true, don't knock fucking a pillow until you try it. O0
  24. Well Trump said he will make anime real, so his waifu won't be inferior for long.
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