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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Nah....in the billiard room with the lead pipe.
  2. Bob Cornhole?
  3. The Lego games can be fun for a little bit but get old pretty quick for me. I'm not even entirely sure why because there are some shallow as fuck beat em ups I really enjoy.
  4. I can't say I've ever paid any attention to the brand for locks.
  5. I have no plans whatsoever on a Saturday for once so I might post all day. That Hogwarts game for PS5 coming out next year looks like it could be cool, I might watch some of them before then.
  6. I still haven't seen any of those movies.
  7. That's a lot of locked threads, dafuq is going on?
  8. I've had lots of different mustards.
  9. I had a steak burrito last night, not sure what I'll be eating today yet.
  10. Yep, just figured that out.
  11. I haven't checked the discord in sometime and, seems I've been banned? It won't load and the other channels I barely check there work just fine. edit: Ah it wouldn't load because I'm only allowed in the waiting room, so yeah looks like it. Oh well.
  12. Tell him about all the beef you've consumed recently, that should summon him. I was starting to post last night but ended up playing Bomberman online.
  13. Ric


    that chord
  14. @ fuck it, I forgot his current alt.
  15. I thought about making this thread but then I didn't post shit.
  16. Looking ready to chow down on a toaster oven porkchop.
  17. Castle of Illusion on Genesis some more Slay the Spire and tried out Super Bomberman R Online tonight, pretty fun game and it's free with crossplay
  18. Had a sore arm for a while and that was it.
  19. Ric

    I'm an IBer

  20. Happy birthday
  21. I was about to ask what she was talking about but then I saw this post, wasn't me.
  22. And here I still never watched part 4, only saw a few episodes on TV.
  23. He might as well, it's gotten slow around here.
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