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Everything posted by Ultima

  1. I pronounce it Sharlay to make it sound sophisticated and to avoid any confusion when I'm on the phone and my mom overhears my conversation.
  2. Ultima


    Secret of the Ooze reptilian character
  3. Ultima


    Oh that's the logo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  4. It's cool beans, now the Z Man can hang out with her without people raissssing eyebrows and such, not that they would because they're both youthful looking, but yeah he texted me that he always carries photo ID.
  5. Wow if the Z Man heard you say that... You better not enter that Unevenedge battle royale thing, he's gonna be there! 🙈
  6. He just wants to get know her. She posted a room makeover video, so that'd be a cool place for them to hang out and play Xbox and order Chinese food.
  7. 😱😱😱 If he's in, count me out. Count me OUT!
  8. Two American kids, just looking to party. Duh dada Duh dada The Z Man wants to make friends with YouTubers and he figures this makes sense since they live close to each other and they like the same stuff. I mean she has an XBox One and he has a Switch and PS4, but it's all video games anyway. I can see a cool friendship happening.
  9. Move out... Beep Beep Beep... Don't mess around... Move out... Beep Beep Beep... You bring me down
  10. The way she said it though... So suggestive... So kind... He has a shot with her.
  11. It's weird because she said she wanted to be his wife and now she trashed her whole room. Something's off here
  12. Tom Hanks sucks, and he bought a new volleyball anyway. The best actor is Tom Cruise or Steven Seagal.
  13. He texted me right now and says that he has an 18 year old woman hanging from his neck. Life is good it seems. Someone should send this thread to that "Viper" character.
  14. No Christian girl would ever fall for that guy! He only gets those low confidence weird chicks! 😏
  15. He's like a relic of history. I'll ask the Z Man if he knows who they're talking about. https://www.ignboards.com/threads/wtf-this-guy-has-83000-posts-on-the-adult-swim-message-boards.176791832/
  16. The Z Man got fired too. Last year his coworkers conspired against him and tried to get the boss to give him a blood alcohol test the minute he walked through the double doors for work. He stood his ground.
  17. Better than anything Michelangelo or Picasso ever created Red-pilled alpha males are the greatest threat to feminism and its hypocritical doctrines. Protect the Z-Man at all costs! 💪💪💪
  18. I can't... Not right now...
  19. Wow... The Z Man's birthday is almost over... Wow!
  20. Suncity. Don't make it complicated, dude.
  21. Just tell us, dude. You sound scared of him.
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