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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. He still posts
  2. You can be my body pillow
  3. @Vamped is sexy though.
  4. I clap for the shoe hands
  5. Well her son will put him in his place anyway.
  6. Relax before your ban stretches across multiple more names (that's not a threat from me FYI). He posted this as a joke because of how horrible it is in general, not because of what it is *supposed* to be.
  7. I post this here, because he cannot access the dumpster where this belongs.
  8. I bet the empty plate is better tasting.
  9. This. My toaster oven has a broil function and if I want to toast a samdwidgh, I pop it on broil for a few mins. You can also bake bacon and then switch to broil for the final couple of minutes to make it come out perfect. This is good if you want to make a fuckton of bacon quickly.
  10. Jesus christ no.
  11. sameee
  12. I better get those snaps.
  13. I could eat for at least two years!
  14. Yeah but then I stayed single for 7 years 🙃
  15. Never had that happen. I cut ties after the first time.
  16. @ZeroStralem I got u a caek
  17. I'm mad about the lighting.
  18. Obvious joke is obvious
  19. Stop slandering Kenworth. Though, Mack is where it's at.
  20. and it's stacked on top of other shit that's already going on, and it's unrelated but still sort of .. there's a connection between them... but you have nobody to relatably talk to about it? I feel depression sneaking up on me.
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