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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Excuse for what? At least I have no shame.
  2. Drunk and it was SUPPOSED to be slow-mo
  3. When I forst got them I stuck one to the inside of Sasha's windshield - and her car had a nasty vibration at 80mph... if it still does after I replace the rest of the front end tomorrow Ima get a slow-mo of THAT. Fucking. Hilarious.
  4. Enjoy. ❤️ 5F974588-6550-458D-B568-F967324B5282.MOV
  5. Cinder blocks and pavers...
  6. That last time I did that it was a Dogfish Head and I immediately started the smoke pit and spent 7 hours smoking a pork butt whilst drinking all. day. From 9am.
  7. Plans are sort of but not really in the works.
  8. There is a plastic ramp in the shed... I use it to get the snowblower in and out but it is meant for skateboarding
  9. Even if it was just around the neighborhood because it has no headlights
  10. It would be more fine if yours was included.
  11. My thick gay dick.
  12. Are you saying these are actual lyrics?
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