Me too, depending on the ice cream.
-If a manual car, I park in second or reverse and crank the parking brake. Every time. Flat ground? Second gear and E-brake.
-If an automatic, I have an accidental habit of pulling/backing in, shutting the vehicle off (the key will not rotate back further than "engine off"), then putting it in park and turning the key to "off" and removing the key.
-If I back in, I back up a foot or three further back than intended and then pull forward a foot or two to set the ball joints in a less stressful position.
-If you are not passing someone, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE PASSING LANE. I DO.
Non-car shit:
-I. have. to. load. the. dishwasher.
No one can tetris that bitch as well as I can. I'm always re-organizing it (if someone else actually takes the time to load it, that is.)
-My shoulder strap toolbag has to be organized to a tee. as in, each tool has a designated spot. Why? Because if I am using it and it is in an out-of-sight position, I can at least reach and feel for what I need. If the tools get all mixed up, it fucks me up.
-I pack for 2-day trips the entire week in advance.
-if it's glass or glossy and I am expecting any company, it HAS TO BE SMUDGE FREE
I have more