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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Literally nothing. Viper made an alt and posted one reply in one thread. that's it. Phillies is stirring the pot. If people start believing it and being a Mochi about it I'll delete the thread.
  2. Probably. My index finger spazzes out and I have clicked submit twice and it made double threads. No biggie
  3. At least a post ban allows you to see people keeping your name in their mouths without having to make alts to come back to view it.
  4. Rogue is always right here. Eventually
  5. No, all the proportions are normal and there aren't dicks coming out of Goku's eyes or whatever.
  6. It's fine, happens to everyone Unfortunately this is spamming, and I'll have to post ban you for three days.
  7. ooOOOoooh a double post! What to do, what to do...
  8. So, let me get down to brass tacks here. You wanted IP banned from the site, which is admitting you're addicted to this place in a very bad way. @K_N deleted your accounts, all but @Kermit the Frog which @Admin_Raptorpat banned permanently. So you want to try yet again to sabotage this place, which you are so addicted to that you keep coming back to, even though you got what you asked for? So what will you do if you actually succeed in getting this place shut down? Will you then move on to my Discord and continually make alts to be a narcissist there because this place is gone? Because I know for a fact from your history on the [asmb] that you just kept changing your ip to get back on there after being banned on numerous occasions.
  9. comfort me
  10. please I just accidentally send a newd pic to someone who I probably would have anyway but still
  11. Here's Vegeta getting a birthday kiss.
  12. I need you in Discord
  13. If the old one is that important, subscribe to it?
  14. Yes, total abuse of power to relieve a thread that someone who clearly isn't wanted here had made, so an active user can make a new one. Also succ my kawaii dicc
  15. I have done this, and I have had it happen where 3 or 4 songs would end up playing.
  16. @Sasha Star and I penis jousting this weekend...
  17. I also fixed your misspelling of my name. Love youuu!
  18. Yes actually. I saved the image, resized it and then replaced your image with my own.
  19. there is a music folder
  21. Nope just trees... RI doesn't cut branches back.
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