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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. I actually don't have any hard feelings, and don't care if she comes back. She needed a break.
  2. @Em7add4 and I might participate... because he can play guitar and will be here before the 21st.
  3. Go fuck yourself! Wait, am I doing it right?
  4. I would, but she probably would wish death upon my future children I'll never have, again.
  5. Can't judge a book by its cover.
  6. Calzone: Stromboli:
  7. Calzones are too bland.
  8. I thought you couldn't donate blood if you've had gay sex.
  9. HOW DO PEOPLE NOT KNOW WHAT A STROMBOLI IS. Even Italians don't know. Is it just a PA/NJ thing? Even up here in New England... we have calzones but they ain't shit compared to a stromboli. Great, now I am hungry for a cheesesteak stromboli.
  10. I still owe you >;P
  11. Asian seasoned, pepper baconed, sharp cheddar cheesed, Stubb's Sweet Heated, and grilled to juicy perfection with a side of beer fries. Aw yeah.
  12. Long for me is 8 hours or more... if I’m driving. If I’m not driving, 5 is long
  13. Philadelphia stop? The cops in philly do it...
  14. Good! <3 and we can be naked owo
  15. Beat me to it, Ric. @TrigunBebop... I wanna fill a ball pit with just balloons and cuddle you for your birthday. <3
  16. I think it gets like 19.5 on long highway trips and averages about 17. So not bad considering.
  17. Considering the underside of her Jeep looks like someone took the wheels off of it and dragged it down a rocky trail... very minor. That Jeep is NOT a Mall Crawler.
  18. In her case the spare just rolled up the hood...
  19. *might have Also, no air bags deployed... the front of the car slid under the back of her Jeep and the upper core support is what took the brunt of the impact. It was low speed. Had her Jeep not been lifted 4.5" and on 34" tires... she may have had a bent tailgate.
  21. I didn't really ask... she really didn't seem to care. The only way she would take a claim is if like, the spare tire mount cracked or the tailgate bent.
  22. Everyone was fine, she barely felt it.
  23. Even when it's fully flexed out the bumper doesn't touch...
  24. Soft top! I told her to check the spare tire mount for cracks (Since that tire is already too big and heavy for a stock spare mount) but all looks well. The bumper didn't even move. It's always been super close to the body and there is no evidence of the bumper showing any kind of give. I guess me getting her those bumpers paid off even if I did pay like half price!
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