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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. I wish post count mattered enough to do that, because i fuck would.
  2. Thicc cut bacon, mild white cheddar infused venison burgers (I used one slice of bacon for both burgers, and another slice per burger on top) as well as loaded baked potato seasoned pirogies fried in bacon grease. I can die now. potato phone pic
  3. ooooOOOOooo I'm trapped in my car with a wee little knife. No thinks. I'll just scare them off, dumbass.
  4. Probably better than an Irishman.
  5. Is there anywhere in my reply where I said I would shoot, kill, wound, pull the trigger, fire, empty the chamber, empty the magazine, unload my firearm, use, or even take the fucking safety off? No, there is not. Stop assuming that, just because I conceal carry, I am going to just shoot anyone or anything that seems like it might be an inclement of a threat. Guy walks up to my car in a threatening, raging manner, I'll make it known behind my rolled up window that I do in fact have a gun. Then it's up to that idiot whether they want to follow through with their little bitch road rage. So shut the fuck up, and keep it movin'.
  6. I just like to scare them before they really embarrass themselves.
  7. Hey, it's all censored
  8. You are correct. And if some asshole is stupid enough to get out and walk up to my car... "I'm entrapped and fearing for my life, therefore I am inclined to draw my weapon." Fuck outta here.
  9. I am afraid to know what you think a "cunt" is
  10. I MEAN....
  11. That would make the mods the wi- God dammit
  12. One box McCormick beer batter. One 12oz Pabst Blue Ribbon in bottle. Flour. 3ish lbs raw chicken. Vegetable oil. Mix Beer batter mix and beer in medium bowl. Coat chicken in flour, followed by batter, and fry for 3-5 mins. Serve.
  13. Stop referring to me as ben0119, I am not that weirdo
  14. Kinda?!
  15. How dare you insult me like that
  16. As close as it can get...
  17. This is where you are wrong. He could be bisexual or pansexual.
  18. A very drunk and high birthday mlem. (I was also a bit tired because this was the same day I had that long ass threesome and then loaded a car and then went to the bar with lots of driving in between...except the bar. that was a block away. )
  19. You obviously haven't found the Death Grips Trashposting group on Facebook...
  20. Hi Daddy uwu
  21. Is it because you tried to sell prescription drugs on the internet?
  22. I know about all of the Gumball shenanigans.....
  23. I did a burnout on a 1978 Honda Hobbit moped back in November...
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