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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. https://www.amazon.com/Starfrit-SRFT060313-Rock-Fry-12-Inch/dp/B00GJADU48 These are the shit. Literally the easiest thing to clean.
  2. Where I live, a mixture of things but the main things I use are Rock pans. Now, I know Rachael Ray is a big hit with us here on UEMB, so hear me out. My stepmother bought har branded cookwae set about 5 years ago, and it still looks band new, it works very well (I've even used bits from it) and the handles are a grippy heat-resistant silicone material. Then again you don't cook a lot. You probably could just get new Faberware shit
  3. You’re coming up here again and I am headed to Philly this weekend... y u do dis
  4. Yikes... I always have this thought lingering in the back of my head about “what if it hails and damages my Mustang”, but at the same time it would only require a hood and deck lid replacement so it wouldn’t be all that bad. still though, hail damage is a bitch. I feel it for your friend. Maybe the random roof things where you park are for a good cause... any dents in it? 🤣
  5. It’s deeper than that though. I can add up, figure out square footage, and all that other weird shit I hated learning in school. Like part what makes me quick with installing flooring is because I’m “good at math”. But I’m not.
  6. But horrible at math. like, I can look at certain things and guess it’s length within inches, and I know standard sizes of appliances, cabinet bases, and other household things. i know that I can use a 13mm socket on a 1/2” head bolt. Same with a 14mm on a 9/16”, etc. but god damn if I have to figure out a good estimate on how much money I’ll need for gas on a road trip I never can remember the formula and still need a calculator.
  7. It just highlights the post and puts a “jump to this post” kind of button at the top of the page.
  8. https://xyzzy.clrtd.com/zy/gameold.jsp#game=22 password is notwelcome
  9. She gone... I wanna build a better clone of it though some day
  10. The sign has a sensor and flashes when it sees a truck higher than 11'8" (or realistically, 11'6")
  11. The back of my truck was a MUD DISASTER when I got home I really miss that truck... lotsa good memories.
  12. I have a bunch of Spongebob ones because my mom and I drunkenly bought them on vacation... they were those $1 expandable ones that were like the size of a cookie, just add water Cheap, coarse, and I feel clean though!
  13. I always feel like they really just hang on to all the grime that washes off of me.
  14. Literally an entire channel dedicated to that bridge, what do you think?
  15. Sorry for the late response, I kinda forgot I made this Added. Also I am gonna host a game tonight, there will be a thread in FFA.
  16. I thought I was gonna have to pull your rig out of the mud too but you had parked on solid enough ground XDD And that restaurant was amazing!!
  17. The hotel party was fun though!
  18. I wish all I did was make jelly
  19. Especially the flooding LMAO
  20. Hey you still made the camping trip that one time
  21. Together, we can do the editing!
  22. I cannot allow you to violate ToS.
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