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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Everyone has their niche!
  2. No, and honestly I don't do it often because my knee is fucked up. Usually if I do side jobs it's like whole kitchen or bathroom reno's, or plumbing, or electrical, or furnace installs...
  3. Can you do flooring?
  4. I had a couple hang-ups but I kept a good mood about it.
  5. Luckily I got none of that today.
  6. Believe me I wish that was my goddamn general rate Like, I could easily work up to around that doing HVAC work but I do not want to be on call all the time, and a lot of the bigger companies tend to seem like they are ran by dicks.
  7. I was thinking about this this morning in the shower actually. So, I tend to like the cheaper ones because they are more coarse. The expensive soft ones seem to just glide over my skin and i don't get that "clean scrubbed" feeling like I do with the cheapo ones. like, some times it'll make my skin bleed where I have psoriasis, but I don't care I know I am clean. Don't get me wrong, the nicer ones do feel good and all that, but I like to feel scrubbed. What's your take on wash cloths?
  8. It's only good if you make it good though
  9. $30 and I get your mouth for 2 hours.
  10. Black Hanes ankle socks and I am randomly missing about 4 pairs and the dryer was apart a month ago. So I think the washer ate them. Normally that is the case with any situation of socks, thongs, and bra wires disappearing.
  11. It sure is now that you showed up.
  12. Man I loved those 83's when they came out... plus that cool looking pack. Next weekend I'll probably get some
  13. What iced the cake was free lunch, classic movies and accidentally guzzling down beers for 3 hours after I was done
  14. And that’s the family discount
  15. Sasha and I stopped at Dunkin and because I insta-puke when I taste egg I gave her the egg patty off of my Sausage, Egg & Cheese... great way to split a breakfast samdwidgh especially since Dunkin is outrageous.
  16. I barely smoke, but Marlboro Reds.
  17. Been a while owo
  18. Dude I had a bird lodge itself in the lower brake cooling duct in my Mustang. That one got snagged between the truck's plastic bumper cap and the metal fender.
  19. Everyone is dude.
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