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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Aww are you butthurt?
  2. I wonder if I could Food Saver it and send it that way
  3. Did you? Want me to become Bast and prove you wrong?
  4. Do not derail threads
  5. I prefer the Gen 3 over the stupidly priced Gen 4 honestly. But I am (as some people put it), biased.
  6. He's 19. He is also an exception I'd make.
  7. I wanna fuck you
  8. My folks have hunted the same little patch of woods for 12 years and every yer between them they end up with 4-8 deer. Even a 10-point and a couple 8-points.
  9. There's a place in West Chester, PA that does this but I heard it's completely outrageous in price.
  10. Bobfong1313
  11. They might... but boy can they be fun and convenient.
  12. It's an embarrassment to the original Supra
  14. It's going to end up more of Frossover...
  15. The new Supra is just an ugly BMW.
  16. Bnmjy, stop derailing FFA threads.
  17. I would most definitely be Eren's boyfriend.
  18. I will say this... baking with mayo rather than eggs does have its perks.
  19. This article is far too much discussion about mayonnaise.
  20. I can't fucking stand it.
  21. Me too... might have to take a trip across the bay into New Jersey this month....
  22. My time is limited since I moved but I am not staying in New England forever
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