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Everything posted by High Ground
You say that now, but when you least expect it, God Emperor Beard is gonna lay down a smackdown in the court on the enemies legal defense. Real talk though, with the unbiased reports about the court trial that happened a few weeks back, everything was stacked against Vic's side, the mainstream media deciding to hop on board with the #MeToo court trial going on, with all the photos they took of Marchi and Rial, and how news articles spun it to make them seem innocent in all this, and that Vic is a monster. It also didn't help that Chupp was assigned to be the judge on this here. Chupp has a track record for basically wanting to steamroll through court cases he's assigned to as quickly as possible, him having a track record of tossing cases out. I don't think god emperor Ty did so hot in that trial, although I can't blame him. The dude was expecting a fair an unbiased trial, but was instead assigned a judge that just wanted to blow through it. That said though, despite all the bad parts Kickvicers highlighted to make it look like they're losing, Chupp still expressed interest in many of the things Ty had to show, such as the email and text conversations from Rial and Soye that they had with convention owners, as well as internal email conversations from Funi. As for the resolution of that hearing, the tortious interference claim against Ronica was ruled out since even though Ronica tried to make it happen, the con Ty had proof of Kamehacon ended up not breaking the contract and having Vic there, so it was attempted TI which isn't illegal.
And where do you get that it was thrown out. We're just getting. Everyone, including Marchi isn't out of the fire just yet.
Sports games are shite. Virtually all sports games play the same as those from like 5-10 years ago, the only difference being the roster. I remember back in 2013/2014 I worked with this one black guy that had like 8 kids, and instead of taking care of them he bought a PS4 quite literally just to play NBA 2k-whatever, that being the only game he played on it for a year. I legit don't understand the interest in sports games
I have a triple rad AiO cooler for my cpu. So 45c at idle wasn't particularly good. Fortunately though I had a second x570 board lying around. When I built this pc I bought an MSI board but I thought it was bad, turned out to be the cpu was dead on arrival. I got the cpu exchanged but still nothing, so I went to a Micro Center over in St Louis and bought a Gigabyte x570 board came back and replaced the board but still nothing. I thought I got two dead boards in a row, but it turned out the power supply cables for the graphics card came unplugged from the psu in the back, that being why it wasn't posted. I just decided to continue using the Gigabyte board since I didn't want to replace the board again. I hung onto the MSI board and was about to sell it on ebay, glad I held onto it.
Well... shit. the other month I upgraded my pc to AMD's new platform, getting a 3700x cpu and an x570 motherboard. I ran out of thermal compound back then (the goop that goes between cpu and the heatsink for better transfer of heat) so I ended up putting very little on it back then, so it was a case where my idle temps were like ~45c. I finally got around to ordering more thermal compound a couple days ago. And yesterday I went to do maintenance on my pc, but I fucked up big... Yesterday morning I took a shower, and after that I went to work on my pc, me having water dripping off my hair. I saw a couple drops land on my motherboard while I was moving my pc, and was careful to keep that happening anymore. I figured since it was only a couple drops and my pc wasn't plugged in it wouldn't have caused any harm... fast forward to after I finished working on my pc and hooked it back up, pressed the power button and... nothing. The lights turn on but the motherboard doesn't post. I fiddled with it for awhile, still nothing. I had to leave for the day, but was hoping when I came back my pc would be working, if maybe things would have dried out and... nothing. So this morning I had to replace the motherboard. Good times
I tried going to her page but apparently I'm blocked. I'm actually impressed really, I don't even remember ever tweeting anything to her. I'm also blocked by Monica, but not Marchi. I remember making tweets at them, but never to Dominique Skye, her quite literally being a nobody to me
So like, is that Roosterteeth show RWBY any good? Seems like something that became a pretty big deal, although I've seen some people say it used to be pretty good but went to shit or something
yeah, pretty much. I don't remember if I was too into pairings in Naruto. With Bleach I was very set on Rukia x Ichigo, but I didn't really care too much about who ended up with who in Naruto. Naruto x Hinata is the better ship over him and Sakura. I think him and Sakura could have worked out well enough, but they probably are better off as friends. It seems like everyone on the internet was out to shit on Sakura as a character. I liked her a fair amount, though I wasn't invested in the series like many others are. The parts about her telling Naruto she lived him to try to make him stop going after Sasuke, and then her thinking she could go kill Sasuke on her own was simply bad writing. I don't know where they're at in the series here, so no clue if that stuff is spoilers. And then after all he's put her through, she still ends up with Sasuke. Though I guess to be fair, with that one Boruto gaiden or whatever series they released before the Boruto manga was a thing, I really liked Sarada in it, and honestly I'd rather have had her as the MC over Boruto.
he jerked those boys off in self-defense!
I'm too lazy tho
back when Bleach was airing I don't think I made it to the end. I've watched every episode online that aired up to around 2010, but then life changes happened and I didn't have internet that would allow me watching anime (or anything really) for 4 years. I still followed the manga, and I think I eventually managed to go back and watch the fullbringer season, as for that filler season before it I think I watched some then decided to skip it. I was only able to see the first few episodes of the Fullbringer arc before Dish had those issues with Turner, where I lost those channels for a couple of months, the series being done by then. I think relationships in Bleach could have worked out, Kubo drawing characters together throughout the first few arcs, and even the HM arc up until a little past the Grimmjow fight. But I think the fake Karakura arc on to the rest of the arrancar arc really drained Kubo very much so, that was really when the series quality took a nose dive. The show was able to do character interactions a lot better than he could (that being a byproduct of them padding out the content to fill episodes). By the time of the quincy arc though it felt very much so like Kubo was on autopilot, making things up as he went, doing whatever to continue the series without putting much thought into what's happening. There is a lot that I really like in Bleach, but Kubo honestly I don't think was meant to do longrunning series, the kind that go on for several hundreds of chapters, over the course of 10+ years, like the guys that do the Naruto and One Piece series. Weekly manga releases break people and destroy their health, you seeing more mangaka going for bi-monthly or monthly releases now instead of the old standard that was weekly. I think Kubo would be better off doing that kind of work. I can't say much about Naruto since I gave up on it long ago, though I'm aware of the main story events that happened. With Naruto and Hinata, from what I've gathered online it seems like the most focus there was on building those two (outside of anything the anime filler does) was during the events with Pain. Them depending on that one The Last movie to really set them up.
I love my cat, but oh god does she make so much of a mess. There's cat hair all over my room, and on the ground behind my computer desk, if I were to pull at that with my fingers I'd get a handful of hair easily. Another issue is a lot of the times she doesn't use her litter box, she'll just piss and shit in one of our bathrooms. I'm pretty sure the obvious answer is with our 3 dogs she's probably too scared to walk around the living room and kitchen, it's usually not until night that she'll walk around the house more.
bleach is one of those series where as much as I like it, at times I feel embarrassed about still supporting it, or when I have artwork for Bleach OCs of mine done. Mainly because it seems the bleach fandom has died for the most part, nobody talks about it anymore or does anything with the fandom. also if the anime was to ever return, honestly I'd think it'd be better if the studio went about doing the last arc their own way. The overall story would still be the same, but retelling things in ways to make the story feel more coherent and not rushed out, to do something with all the branches Kubo started but forgot about. Shuhei getting a bankai is another example of something that was talked about but was never shown, that could be something they could have happen, him fighting against someone and using it. Also making Grimmjow's return more than what we got. I'd be willing to accept Ichigo and Orihime if it was built up properly, having Ichigo start paying more attention to the way Orihime feels about him, which didn't happen at all really.
And I will never forgive him for not going with Rukia and Ichigo. The first couple arcs built them up incredibly strong. Everything with Orihime just felt so forced, hell at some point Orihime acknowledges that Rukia has an effect on Ichigo that she could never match. Everything with it was so one sided, and then for some reason Kubo took a dump on her character by making her run off to HM. I'd rather have seen Orihime be set up with Ulquiorra, or even Grimmjow than what we got. I never personally cared about Uryu x Orihime but that one made more sense. There was nothing between Ichigo and Orihime in that way, then in the last arc Kubo started forcefully drawing Ichigo's attention to her (when I say forcefully, I'm referring to using Yoruichi to make him look at Orihime's sex appeal). And for anyone that wants to bring up the whole "Rukia's dead, Ichigo's alive" argument, so was Isshin and Masaki.
for better or worse I liked the series..... then Kubo took a massive dump on Rukia's character, her being very much so under utilized after the SS arc, she came back strong in the HM arc but after her fight with that one Espada it legit felt like Kubo almost entirely forgot about her. There's also the last arc in the manga where it was so rushed, so many characters and story lines felt either under utilized or rushed or just forgotten about entirely. Like with all the stuff going on with the quincies in HM, them eluding to Grimmjow being back but we don't see him (or Nel) for over a hundred chapters I believe, and when we do see them they didn't really contribute much at all. There was also the whole thing with Hallibel being taken by the quincies that was completely forgotten about. The fullbringers he kept bringing up every so often, and that didn't really pan out much, Tsukishima (was that his name?) just showing up in the last couple chapters to use his deus ex fullbringer to repair Ichigo's bankai. There was a whole lot more going on that were just dropped or felt unsatisfying when they did pan out. Hell, I remember at the beginning of the last arc when Kubo made it seem like he was gonna shift the story to follow new characters with those one kids from the SS, in the spread for one of the first chapters with the boy, there was a spread of him standing back to back with Ichigo, there being some kind of text that made it sound like perhaps Ichigo was gonna pass on the torch or something.... and then those kids disappeared almost entirely, I guess that being Kubo's editor or whoever not allowing Kubo to go that route.
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High Ground replied to Naraku4656's topic in Free-For-All
One of the grade schools in my school district I swear is haunted. I was working there last Summer, and some freaky shit was going down. There was only me and like 2 other people there and we kept hearing whistling sounds, doors closing, the ceiling making noises as if someone was walking across the roof. Some of that could just be it being an old building, or the AC units on the roof kicking in, but it all was creepy as shit.
Mission aborted. I went about bought Skyrim Special Edition and proceeded to download like 100+ mods, but then the game wouldn't even start. I spent a couple hours troubleshooting, disabling some, I even tried deleting the game and redownloading it, then starting over with half of the mods installed, still nothing so I just ended up refunding the game.
you can tell helpme has nothing better to do when he goes through a thread disliking everything. keep up the good work man, you'll get there one day.
One's that I'm actively reading right now My Hero Academia; Blue Exorcist; Noragami; Watamote. There's a few other manga series that I like quite a bit, one called Saotome Girl, Hitakakusu; and a really cute one called Marry Me! I don't really like or care about Attack on Titan, but I've been following along since the chapter where they finally enter Eren's basement, leading to them having that one flashback for his dad, and then leading to them going to that other country and showing the world around them. I'm only really following along just to see how they end this series, since I heard it is supposed to be nearing its end.
that's probably because I'm usually wherever our boss is, in case he needs an emergency dick sucking