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High Ground

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Everything posted by High Ground

  1. I side with Vic on all this, but at the same time I won't pretend he's an angel. He wasn't exactly faithful during the time he was engaged, but that shouldn't be something that can be used against ending your career. With his history of being very passionate with his fans, hugging and kissing them, out of context that does sound bad. Though part of Hubers affidavit mentioned that it's very common for the VAs to do things like that with fans. Hell, Rial even had one of her fans start spanking her ass with a paddle. Vic honestly reminds me of a teacher that I had back in high school, back then he was in his late 40s, by now he's most definitely in his 50s, so around the same age as Vic. That teacher of mine definitely didn't want to act his age, on a social level he'd act like he's in his 20s, him being very passionate with his students, him treating them all like they're the center of attention, the way he does that makes him look like a creep, though he's never done anything like hug or kiss his students for obvious reasons. What I'm getting at with this is Vic and my teacher are both guys that act a lot younger than they are, and get so passionate about things to where it looks questionable to those watching, but in reality no harm is being done. I remember in Vics deposition they bring up how he gives kisses to his fans, them trying to spin it in a way to make it sound like a pedo thing to do. Vic responding with kisses on the cheek and forehead isn't wrong. In that context it does sound wrong, but when you look at the fact that there's many cultures, like Italians that I'm pretty sure Vic is to some degree, that are very expressive and hands on, that describing Vic best. Also, closing statement on this, any one that's seen the deposition for Rial and Soye can obviously tell they have nothing to show for their allegations, and that it's so easy to poke holes in their story. They have zero evidence aside from some blog site and a Google document that anyone can edit. They've even had witnesses that they mention that witnessed Vics actions that release their own statements saying they had ZERO involvement with him, or any involvement they did have with him, nothing happened.
  2. love how yall snowflakes are so in denial. You've seen Chuck Huber's affidavit right? All that's going on stems from Funi and Sabat. Huber wanted to stay neutral in the matter, but did mention how all this with Vic has been in planning for years, and he doesn't believe Vic is guilty of any of that. And there's all the statements from convention owners that show Sabat, Soye, and Rial were all actively trying to get cons to break contracts with Vic. There's also the so called "handler" of Vic that in Soye's affidavit i believe tried saying that Vic forced himself on her, while the woman put out an affidavit of her own that goes entirely against what Soye is saying of her. And then there's the fact that Soye's a wife beater and threatened to kill dogs and a judges family. But yall snowflakes will continue to be in denial, especially Elfie.
  3. https://youtu.be/CeLrlmV9A-s?t=44
  4. Me and Quackers had an intense sexual relationship, JK Rowling confirmed.
  5. consider me gone, libtard.
  6. Ah. I see the years that I've been away hasn't changed the fact that I do not like you and the majority of those from back in the day.
  7. Why am I not surprised that you side with Funi and kickvic on this. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of those here are liberals or SJWs.
  8. Yeah, pretty much a thread where yall give me recommendations. I'm pretty behind when it comes to new anime, I honestly only watch maybe 1 or 2 new series a year, and mainly just rewatch series that I've seen before. As for series I'm acquainted with already (keeping it at those that came out in the 2010's), I have no interest in Black Clover, I watched the first few episodes, and like most will say it pretty much follows every shonen anime cliche there is. I've watched most of Kekkai Sensen but have no real interest in it. Seen and read all of Blue Exorcist, seen all of the new Boogiepop series, seen all of Darling in the Franxx / Kill la Kill / little witch academia. I think I heard that studio has another series called ssss.gridman, anyone know if that's a good one? I've seen most of DB Super, waiting for blu-ray releases to be released online so I can finish it up. I really like the Fate/ series (only ones like Zero/UBW and to some extent Apocrypha, the majority of that series is cringy otaku filth, am waiting for the heaven's feel movies to be done before I watch those. Am following the new fruits basket series. Seen all current MHA episodes and chapters. Also steins;gate 0 and violet evergarden. I've also seen one punch man season 1, haven't gotten around to season 2 yet, but heard it wasn't that good. I have no interest in the Naruto/Boruto series, and no interest whatsoever in One Piece. I'm also open to anime movie recommendations.
  9. You don't say
  10. Hello there
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