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Everything posted by ITasteLikeSex

  1. I declare a war on hippies!
  2. I declare a war on war!
  3. Oh fuck I'm an adult
  4. I'm an adult
  5. Remember to only have one waifu. More waifu will destroy your laifu.
  6. 1. Why do I know so many Texans? I swear a quarter of the people I know online are either Texans or former Texans. 2. Maybe stop living in a volcano.
  7. I like taking a thick slice of Italian bread, spreading a bunch of mashed potatoes on top, then eating it.
  8. You should like something else
  9. Why though
  10. Do you live inside a volcano?
  11. 80 is I'll still leave the house if I have to. 90 is fuck all of that.
  12. 45f is a cool day. 80f melts the northerner.
  13. I start dying at 80f.
  14. Absolutely not
  15. If it's purple rain, see a doctor immediately
  16. All those times that I said I love you!
  18. girls born after 1993 dont video game. all they know is titty stream, sell bathwater, and lie.
  19. Girafarig
  20. Neither of those things are accurate
  21. Are you super bowling?
  22. hey nabs
  23. hey quackers
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