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having caught this episode at a Laundromat



not much happens, it's just a half hour of vegeta humiliation



Not watching this right now, but apparently the OP is now sung in English?


The ratings cancer has spread to its lymph nodes.


Japanese is better for US ratings!?




I'm very close to dropping this show :|


I would rather stream GT reruns tbh


at least GT didn't completely fuck Goku and Vegeta's characterization


I'm very close to dropping this show :|


I would rather stream GT reruns tbh


at least GT didn't completely fuck Goku and Vegeta's characterization


You know it's bad when the CHARACTERS start complaining that they have to wait!


I'm very close to dropping this show :|


I would rather stream GT reruns tbh


at least GT didn't completely fuck Goku and Vegeta's characterization


You are way too overly harsh to this show.

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