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Holy f--king shit!!!


I'll be honest, I would squash that if I saw him running around my house... This is why it's good to always stay drunk, so that you have the courage to deal with Jeepers Creepers shet. Also, why I can't date girls who have OkCupid pics with huge snakes around their necks.


this individual spider kind of has a bad temper.  kinda cool but scary :D

She's cool looking for sure but the way she was using her front legs looked like she wanted to punch you in the face  :D


thank you :) I have a hunch this one is pregnant

YEah I was going to say I thought it looked pregnant.. but if so it's still going to get A LOT  bigger.


My friends older brother ended up catching a pregnant southern black widow and bringing it inside


to taunt me with it was vicious and attacked anything that got close to it. >_>


I'm seriously thinking about getting a flame knee.. I'm not even sure if it was the one I was initially looking for.


I remember seeing a beautiful tarrantula on exhibit at a science museum here and it had blood red spots.


That was the closest thing I could find to it. I found one website selling them for $40, but it said sold out.


I know the mexican red knee is a very popular pet store spider, but even though they look quite simular


this ones hard to find. Any ideas? I'm going to wait till I have a little more extra money to get the terrium


set up properly anyway, but I've never bought a spider.. 


No.. I could have swore I read the name on the tank and it said blood something taratula... because the red on it


was a scarlet color.. it seemed like it only had it on it's front legs or just in little patches. Anyway right now I'm


just looking for that mexican flame knee (Brachypelma auratum)..not to be confused with the mexican red knee


(Brachypelma Smithi).. Up until 1992 the flame knee wasnt even a species it was lumped in with the red knee  :D


So maybe that was the spider I saw anyway. Makes since it would be on display if it was a more recent discovery.


Everywhere I look flame knees either arent sold.. or are sold out though..  $40 dollars is the lowest I've found.


yeah both the Mexican ones are really popular in pet stores. they are really good for beginners. I'm not sure what that is. common names don't mean much because different people in different areas call them different things


That's why I included the scientific name Brachypelma Auratum  :P


Also why are females so expensive.. look at this. 3 seperate prices for a Brachypelma Smithi


Really wish they wernt sold out on that red one I want. I have a feeling that's the lowest price


I'm gonna find on it.


no. it's pretty docile.

If I do get a tarrantula I know I'm going to be nervous to handle it. I think I have PTSD from that black widow bite.


I was free handling females a few hours before that happened no prob though.. I only got bit when I flipped an ATV


into one of their nests so..  :D  I get jumpy and nervous sometimes even have some weird flashback shit when


seeing them.handling a big ass tarantula might help me get passed that.  :D I still might freak if it tries to bolt.


Well if you are ever spider shopping and come across the flame knee for a crazy price let me know.


I was able to find a few sites with them in stock, but they want $109.99 for one, and I'm not spending


that much on a spider.. If that one site still had them for $40 that'd be a done deal, but even on the


pricing guide I checked out earlier they were listed over $100. I want a large terrium for it to and I'll


have to buy all the stuff for that. ..

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