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Remember that time Louis C.K. was on FOX defending Masturbation

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sshhhh  ::)


Could you imagine a world where there was no fapping?


Fuck dude, Dudes would be walking around with hard ons all day and a slight breeze would just set them off


Not to mention all the death and destruction that it would bring




Could you imagine a world where there was no fapping?


Fuck dude, Dudes would be walking around with hard ons all day and a slight breeze would just set them off


Not to mention all the death and destruction that it would bring


I think that's what caused the dark ages  ;D


The Church says you can't fap


......Men tonight we bath in the blood of our enemies




stress relief....one way or another  : o



Fuck dude, Dudes would be walking around with hard ons all day and a slight breeze would just set them off

Oh God...


We'd all be Zeni...  whut

  • 6 months later...

>:D >:D


I forgot about this one....he had a lot of masturbation material '>.>


this really makes me sad....I genuinely had to re-evaluate how I judged other people when they made excuses for this kinda stuff 'cause I was definitely on that boat with Louis...


it's fucked up, but man do you not want to accept it when it's someone you like....i'm not sure I completely accept it even now...


>:D >:D


I forgot about this one....he had a lot of masturbation material '>.>


this really makes me sad....I genuinely had to re-evaluate how I judged other people when they made excuses for this kinda stuff 'cause I was definitely on that boat with Louis...


it's fucked up, but man do you not want to accept it when it's someone you like....i'm not sure I completely accept it even now...


I was going through the same thought process the other day and decided I'm not gonna watch his material anymore, which sucks because I was a big fan.


Like you eluded to he has too many jokes that will make me think about what he did and it would be awkward to watch compared to before.


remember a kotaku or gawker article about him like 2012 or 13.

about the same stuff mostly, and him being creepy to girls.

always wondered what was up with that.




this blindsided me


I was going through the same thought process the other day and decided I'm not gonna watch his material anymore, which sucks because I was a big fan.


Like you eluded to he has too many jokes that will make me think about what he did and it would be awkward to watch compared to before.


yeah......thank goodness House of Cards was on it's way down when Spacey's stuff came out >.>




this blindsided me


Yeah it's been a known thing among comedians for a number of years, there's been a ton of articles written about it over the last few. Only thing new is the NYT tracking down who his victims were and him responding by finally admitting it this time instead of his longstanding practice of just ignoring it whenever it would crop up during a slow news cycle every few months.


I think he's already done the best thing he can do by outright admitting it instead of this "they're all lying," "oh I don't rememember," "I thought it was consensual, sorry for whatever you think happened" denial game that most people play when accused of sexual harassment or worse. And he said he's going to be stepping back for a long time, which is a lot better than attacking the victims and trying to get people to circle the wagons like others accused of that kinda stuff. A lot better than Kevin Spacey's wack response, a lot better than the fucking pedophile we have right now continuing to run for Senate calling his victims liars. (Granted those guys are accused of a hell of a lot worse than what Louie did.)


So idk. I get not wanting anything to do with him now. And I get not wanting anything to do with his comedy career ever again. It at least sounds like he has a chance at redeeming himself, I'm kinda interested in seeing what he does toward that end in the future, how he uses his position and influence to make up for his mistakes. I hope he doesn't just disappear forever, I don't think that should be what has to happen to someone like him who admits (finally, under intense pressure) that his accusers are being honest, that he is creep, and sincerely apologizes. (and not just because he's one of the GOAT stand-ups.)


But if that's what he wants, to just be a regular guy for the rest of his life and disappear from the public spotlight, or if he just lies low for awhile then one day returns to humbly continue his entertainment career and that's it, preferring to leave the past in the past and not mention anything to do with sexual harassment again, I'd understand but would be disappointed.


Yeah it's been a known thing among comedians for a number of years, there's been a ton of articles written about it over the last few. Only thing new is the NYT tracking down who his victims were and him responding by finally admitting it this time instead of his longstanding practice of just ignoring it whenever it would crop up during a slow news cycle every few months.


I think he's already done the best thing he can do by outright admitting it instead of this "they're all lying," "oh I don't rememember," "I thought it was consensual, sorry for whatever you think happened" denial game that most people play when accused of sexual harassment or worse. And he said he's going to be stepping back for a long time, which is a lot better than attacking the victims and trying to get people to circle the wagons like others accused of that kinda stuff. A lot better than Kevin Spacey's wack response, a lot better than the fucking pedophile we have right now continuing to run for Senate calling his victims liars. (Granted those guys are accused of a hell of a lot worse than what Louie did.)


So idk. I get not wanting anything to do with him now. And I get not wanting anything to do with his comedy career ever again. It at least sounds like he has a chance at redeeming himself, I'm kinda interested in seeing what he does toward that end in the future, how he uses his position and influence to make up for his mistakes. I hope he doesn't just disappear forever, I don't think that should be what has to happen to someone like him who admits (finally, under intense pressure) that his accusers are being honest, that he is creep, and sincerely apologizes. (and not just because he's one of the GOAT stand-ups.)


But if that's what he wants, to just be a regular guy for the rest of his life and disappear from the public spotlight, or if he just lies low for awhile then one day returns to humbly continue his entertainment career and that's it, preferring to leave the past in the past and not mention anything to do with sexual harassment again, I'd understand but would be disappointed.


I agree, his response was a breathe of fresh air....he owned up to it....but, like you said, it's also not on the scale of these other guys....


I gotta ask though...for my own education....one of the women said he asked if she would watch him masturbate, she said "no, you're a married man", and he said "ok, sorry, I have issues"....how does that count...his wife should be pissed, 100% dirtbag move on his end, but he just propositioned this lady, he didn't actually do it....at first I thought she worked for him, but no, that wasn't the case either....so was she just bringing this forward to legitimize the other claims, or did she feel wronged in some way?

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