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ep title: Ally X and X Sword


will Gon and Killua live?!  ::spin::



of course they will this series isn't that edgy ::]::



Hopefully this is better than the previous episode, because I seriously zoned out.


I've considered tuning out of the 1:00 AM and 1:30 AM timeslots as of late. :D


Where did Gon get that bruise again?


After losing many rounds of arm wrestling, probably.


Also, hearing this guy talk about one of his crew members like he was a saint is ironic as fuck.


I'm very drunk....and I still havent deciced if I'm having a 5th shot of twquila (''#_*'');;


Do what I do.  Stop until GiTS.  Then see how you're feeling.  Also, in order to last longer and remember more, and also because it's delicious, cereal can stem the tide.


this scene makes the later reveal that Gon is a sociopath ironic what is it with Japan not understanding what a sociopath is? S:



this scene makes the later reveal that Gon is a sociopath ironic what is it with Japan not understanding what a sociopath is? S:




It seems a lot of your posts tonight involve sociopaths.



Do what I do.  Stop until GiTS.  Then see how you're feeling.  Also, in order to last longer and remember more, and also because it's delicious, cereal can stem the tide.

This or corn flakes does the trick for me.



this scene makes the later reveal that Gon is a sociopath ironic what is it with Japan not understanding what a sociopath is? S:




I doubt your ability to call a sociopath.  You're...too nice for the work.  Leave it for those that deal with monsters.





It seems a lot of your posts tonight involve sociopaths.


Japan thinks sociopath heroes are edgy and won't stop retooling heroes as "friendly sociopaths"




I doubt your ability to call a sociopath.  You're...too nice for the work.  Leave it for those that deal with monsters.


much like super Goku, Gon later states that he's incapable of feeling compassion for other people and can't feel love....despite him voicing disgust at these characters for being so uncaring of human life in this epispde, japan does not seem to understand that a sociopath would not care if someone else killed someone




Japan thinks sociopath heroes are edgy and won't stop retooling heroes as "friendly sociopaths"




The very idea of a "sociopath hero" is an oxymoron.  It can't exist.  "Heroes" exist to help others.  A sociopath exists solely to advance themselves, through any means necessary.  They will advance the forces of "good" if it helps them but will also advance "evil" if it does the same, and will switch sides easily.




The very idea of a "sociopath hero" is an oxymoron.  It can't exist.  "Heroes" exist to help others.  A sociopath exists solely to advance themselves, through any means necessary.  They will advance the forces of "good" if it helps them but will also advance "evil" if it does the same, and will switch sides easily.


yeah I know that


the anime and manga industry doesn't seem to



much like super Goku, Gon later states that he's incapable of feeling compassion for other people and can't feel love....despite him voicing disgust at these characters for being so uncaring of human life in this epispde, japan does not seem to understand that a sociopath would not care if someone else killed someone




LOL!  Goku?!  Never.  He loves fighting but hates killing.  He never goes all-out.  At the end of it all, he'll spare mortal villains since he can't seem to kill them (remember Frieza on Namek).




LOL!  Goku?!  Never.  He loves fighting but hates killing.  He never goes all-out.  At the end of it all, he'll spare mortal villains since he can't seem to kill them (remember Frieza on Namek).


as of current events in super he has now openly stated that he doesn't care about other people and only cares about fighting strong enemies he says he never even cared about saving the earth, he just likes to fight and has been lucky enough to accidently save the earth by doing so and doesn't really care if he saves people or not as long as he gets to fight


he's a sociopath, he's only saving the earth because it serves him to keep doing so


he's evil


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